When you turn into an animal

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This was just an excuse to make animal puns


You were trying to find your bracelet at the beach since it's been passed down for generations. When all of a sudden you got squirted with a water gun.

"What the heck?" You grumbled. You found your bracelet before being turned into a bird. You flew over to deku with the bracelet in your mouth.

"Oh guys look it's Y/n's bracelet!" He cheered. He was looking around while Iida was trying to get you to drop the damn bracelet.

"SKRAA! Y/n is me!" You talked. Uraraka just held you onto her arm. Aizawa just let him keep you until you got better.


You were running towards the school to the library since you really just needed help studying. Well until a couple of thugs stopped you and took your money which wasn't a lot.

"Whatever just used your quirk." The leader told the smallest guy in the group. He turned you into a tortoise and you slowly just typed out I'm by the gates and I'm a turtle.

He walked outside and he started laughing. You couldn't talk to defend yourself. Kirishima just followed him and protected you from him for a week.


He was going over to your aunts since she told him you weren't feeling well. When he walked in your room he just saw a small fox being held by your aunt.

"Hello Shoto! Y/n turned into an animal and that's why I texted you!" Your aunt laughed. You trotted up to him and rubbed on him. He picked you up and you licked his nose.


You didn't text Iida back for a bit and he was starting to get worried. He walked down to your house and when he walked inside he heard a ton of yelling.

He opened the door anyway to see a wolf on the couch. It woke up and walked over to him. He was scared until you started licking his face.

"Y/n turned into a wolf randomly sorry about this!" Your mom laughed. "Upstairs!" You growled and went up stairs as Iida talked to your mom.


You didn't show up to class that day no one knew why until Koda used his quirk. You jumped out of Aizawa's pocket and attacked the person he wanted you to.

"Where did that ferret come from?" Momo asked. You ran back to Aizawa.

"Y/n turned into a ferret this morning when we walked in at the same time." Aizawa told them. If anyone wants to take her she stinks. You bit his finger. "Ow." Of course Denki raised his hand but no one let him.


You and Shoji anniversary was coming up but you don't celebrate but it's your one year. You decided to get him a small bracelet. Well it would have been perfect if a robbery didn't start and the dude turned you into a chicken.

"Oh this happened." Shoji said a bit after the robbery happened and you were still inside. He was trying to hold back from laughing as you. You pecked his hand whenever he laughed. "That hurts!"


You weren't having a good day and you just wanted to sit down. Mina was trying to comfort you to make you feel better when you suddenly turned into an elephant. Sero walked in and just shrugged.

"Is no one gonna acknowledge the elephant in the room?" Momo asked. We all just looked at her.

"It's just Y/n she just randomly turned into an elephant!" Mina told them. You all lost power and heat so guess who everyone laid on since you brought heat with you.


So your roommates little cousin got a quirk that was able to turn people into animals. Well he touched you on accident and turned you into a horse. A miniature house to be exact.

"Y/n is a little horse today!" Your roommate told him. He walked into your room and your roommates just facepalmed.

"Well I guess you were right." Kirishima said trying not to laugh. "Is she on a stable diet?"


You were also having a bad day. Your brother broke another bone and you were a dog.

"Looks like you had a ruff day." Toga laughed as you barked at Shigaraki. You then bit her on her arm and Dabi just sprayed you with water. "I'm bleeding now!"

"Weirdo." Shigaraki mumbled. "Looks like we have a good ally you could just bite half the students."


You were being a bitch to him about being lazy when you were suddenly shot with something it turned you into a lion.

"Still wanna act like your the kind of the jungle!" Aizawa said. He cuddled up to you since you were just a bigger fluffy cat.

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