When you adopt an animal behind his back

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You had always wanted a bird for a pet. Midoriya always kept saying 'as long as it doesn't talk I'm fine'. That was great news. One morning you snuck out of the house and picked up a parrot.

Midoriya was still asleep when you got back and it screamed very loudly when you walked in the door.

"I told you not a talking one!"

"He has not spoken once!" Then the next day after Bakugou came over it wouldn't stop shouting bye.


Bakugou is fine with an animal. He just doesn't like ferrets since they smell bad and tear up furniture.

You snuck in one day and he was at work. You managed to set up the cage and it was just going into your room so it couldn't go anywhere else. He got off of work early and you were cooking with it on you shoulder.

"What the fuck is that weasel?" He yelled. It looked at him and when you placed it on his neck he immediately fell in love.


He loves cats and he has always wanted one. The problem was his father. So when you both moved in together you thought it would be a nice gift.

You were trying to get the bow on its head to stay on and he walked in. He immediately fell to the floor as the kitten climbed all over him. It eventually fell asleep in his lap and you took like a 100 photos.


It was his birthday and Shilo just seemed lonley to you. So you went and got a little German Shepard. You walked home with it and it was quiet when you walked into your room.

You put the dog in front of his face and the dog licked him awake. He first thought it was Shilo but then realized it was a small dog.

"Aww how cute!" He said while the dog licked his face some more. He was glad with his present.


You had always wanted a hamster when you were little. Now since your a pro hero you can buy all the hamsters you want.

Denki walked into you trying to get carrots and took them to your room. He followed you to find the hamsters in the extra bedroom. Once you were gone he decided to play with them.


You always had a love for sea creatures big and small. Shoji liked them too but not in your weird way. Your house literally became a sea life rescue.

One day it tipped him over the edge when you brought in a tiny shark that you found. It didn't do any harm but the food was just too expensive.

You released the shark after its sickness was gone which shoji was glad for.


He really didn't like your pet spider you had at home. So much so he wouldn't let you take it with you when you moved.

You decided to sneak it in one night and you put it on your dresser. He woke up to the little thing trying to get get out. You woke up to a screaming Sero.


You love frogs so when you rescued a small injured frog one day he wasn't surprised. The weird thing was the weird looks Tsu would give you.

You named the frog Kermit and it lived a healthy life of 11 years. (God Siri was so loud when I asked that)


He knew you loved animals so when one day he saw you wearing a suit covering all your skin he was concerned. He walked upstairs to see you giving a raccoon a bath. Toga even helped out too.

"If they aren't hurting themselves I don't care. Get your girlfriend under control." Kurokiri said to him. You managed to train the raccoon and use it to attack the UA students.


Bitches you guy's already have enough cats


He knew that you liked chinchillas and you always did a ton of research on them. So one day when he was at work you got one.

When he came back he saw this chipmunk like thing flying towards him. He ducked and it landed on his shoulder. He thought it was the most adorable thing in the world.

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