Your interviews for Bnha actor AU

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People mostly ask if your dating in real life. You both usually don't answer or say no comment but in reality you are.

When you get ready you both don't take long at all. Bakugou and Kirishima usually play cards with you both until enough people are ready to make an episode.


To be fair you both are completely the opposite when your off the set. You both actually live together and when they like to make jokes.

Again you both don't take long to get ready. Mostly you just live stream Mina and how she takes the longest to get ready.


He actually gets along really well with the actor of endeavor. When you both talk about the family in the anime. Your aunt in the show is your mom in real life. You two are only good friends.

He takes a moderately amount of time to get ready. You are quicker then him but your wig gets messed up really quickly so you kinda have to have more time.


You both are actually married. Since your quirk your lips have to be very pink. But it's always a pain to paint Iida pink so sometimes he just has a pink wig and everything.

You take the same amount of time but for him to get in character at home he yells at you like Iida would. It's honestly more funny then annoying. Your guys kid plays little Iida.


He is actually very smart in real life. He is actually the only teenager on the set. So you two are just good friends.

You just have some foundation on your face and that's about it. He takes a bit longer.


You both are dating and he is still very quiet and friendly off the set too. So he takes a small amount of time but you take forever since you have a lot of scars.

With his costume there are two versions. The green screen where he is duplicating or holding up his arms. For when he's resting they just use rubber. It's very funny.


You two are married and when you do anything in the show you both start laughing since it just reminded you both how you were in high school.

He takes a considerable amount of time since they have to get his smile right and the tape elbows. The funny thing is when he is launched in the air you make fun of him since he kinda just dangles there.


You two are only good friends but you are roommates. He hates the sharp teeth since they are made out of a material that tastes bad.

You take some time and the roommates in the show are your cousins so it's kinda natural how they treat you.


You both are actually dating. He takes a long time and usually has to go in early because of this. You don't take that much time. The villains go out to eat every once in awhile.

Once your character gets killed off you get to kept the outfit and take the masks home. You still get to go to the dinners as well.


Believe it or not you two don't mind each other but your not dating him your dating the actor for shinsou. He actually cares how he looks in real life.

Again with the villains the UA teachers get to have lunch or dinner. He takes a long amount of time.


You both are recently engaged and the actor for Iida is actually his younger brother. You can actually talk in real life so it's annoying when you don't get to talk all day.

He is only in that one scene and in Iida's memories even though he take a long time to get ready. Your more involved then Tensei in the show.

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