When you find out he has a kid from his last girlfriend/boyfriend

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When you first met his mom there was no kid around so when he brought in a little kid who looked to be about 1-2 years old you got confused.

"This was from my ex girlfriend she didn't want the kid and so I took it." He said. His daughter was honestly adorable with her big green eyes. She actually liked you as well.


When you were over playing cards with his family one night a little kid about 2 years old walked downstairs.

"Daddy can I have some milk?" The kid asked Bakugou. Bakugou got up and poured some milk in a sippy cup for him. "Are you my new mommy/daddy?"

"He was from my ex but she was abusive to him so I took him in. Also yes." Bakugou grumbled. The little kid went upstairs to go sleep.


He had been stressed lately about everything so when he got up and ran out of class one day it just seemed odd. He returned three days later with two little kids.

"My ex was pregnant when I left him. He was really crazy and tried to kill me a few times. So I took full custody of them." He explained. You helped as much as you could and honestly you were glad to help.


When the cultural festival came around Iida was on the phone much more then you liked. One the day of iida brought in a little girl with braids in.

"Now stay where I can see you!" Iida said to her. She walked around trying to find stuff to do. "She's my daughter, lily, she doesn't know me that well since we claim that she's our little sister and we just don't talk much."

"Is that why you were on the phone so much?" You asked. He nodded. "She's honestly adorable."


No one was originally aloud in Denki's room not even you. You thought maybe he was hiding something really secretive so you snuck in.

All you found was a mess room and his clothes stuffed into drawers. When you looked in his closet you found a baby that looked to be 7 months old.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a son?" You asked.

"I thought you would get mad since my ex girlfriend placed this burden on me." He said. You kissed him and just helped him with everything like talking and walking.


His little brother didn't look like anyone from there family except for Shoji's weird mouth. So when a pink haired girl with six eyes was at the door and Shoji slammed the face on her you got suspicious.

"Is your little brother really your child Shoji?" You asked him one day. He sighed and nodded. "He really looks like his mom."

"I know his mom doesn't care about him and just wants to use him for quirk experiments." He said. You smiled and kissed him.


When you walked into his house for the first time a weird thing was gnawing at you. Like the family was trying to hide something.

Sero returned with a little girl with jet black hair and a normal smile. (That would be creepy if she had his mouth) he signed a few things to her and she signed back.

"This is my daughter Yuki. She said it's nice to meet you." Sero said to me. Yuki looked to be a about three and already very smart.


When you were walking down the road you smiled at the little boy running to catch up with his father. Well it would have been funnier if the person wasn't Kirishima.

"Oh hey babe how are you?" He asked. You looked at the boy and gave him a lollipop. "This is my son from my previous boyfriend who died in childbirth." The little boy smiled and thanked you.


He gave you a burnt chicken nugget as a child and asked to pay child support.


You really expect this man to have a child?


One day you were cleaning in Tensei's room when you decided to take a look in the room connected to his. You opened the door to see a little girl holding a pony like she is eating it.

"Y/n what are you doing in here?" Tensei asked. You already had the child in your arms as I was playing with your hair. "She seems to like you. Her mom killed herself right after she gave birth so I was next in line to have the kid. Honestly I don't know how people can hurt them look at there cute faces."

Bnha boyfriend scenarios (Bnha x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon