What he does when he get jealous

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-he tries to get your attention by doing something stupid

-he once tried to balance books on his head and several pages ripped out you had a large library fee

-he is for some reason being jealous of Iida since you talk a lot about your families business. Iida and you end up scolding him.


-he just gets really defensive when a person starts talking about there accomplishments or compliment you

-he once got jealous when your cousin was over and started talking about his soccer tournament.

-he is jealous of kirishima since you both like to talk about cool quirks that you see pro heroes have


-he likes to do this thing where he puts his chin on your shoulder and wrap his arm around you while giving them a glare.

-your male friends have gotten used to it and like to bring it up in conversations to embarrass you.

-he is jealous of sero due to you trying to help him aim while controlling his body to help him train and be faster


-he likes to pretend and make plans when he is jealous just so you can get away from the person

-you have caught on to this and if you never heard of these plans you simply hit in the shoulder to finish your sentence before leaving.

-he is jealous of Shinsou who you talk to on your way out of school. Shinsou has gotten used to Iida being jealous and likes to make fun of you for it.


-he likes to insert himself into conversations and bring up how you met or something about your relationship.

-you usually talk over him since it's rude for him to be inserting himself into conversations

-he is jealous of kendo shockingly since she sits next to you in class and always choose her to be your partner for thing.


-he doesn't get jealous that often but when he does he likes to try and freak the person out.

-once a guy on a motorcycle was talking to you about bikes and just duplicated his eye to the end of his arm and the guy felt so uncomfortable that he left

-he is mostly jealous of todoroki since your really good friends with him. Todoroki doesn't know how to feel when he does this but he just puts his thumbs up.

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