When you cone back as a ghost- 100 chapters special

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A bit after you died Midoriya was trying to contact your spirit just trying to make sure you were alright. He finally managed to get you back and you tried giving him a hug.

The weird part now was you couldn't be more then 10 feet away. So you were kinda his new sidekick.


He would only visit your grave on Sundays due to always being off of work that day. He would talk to you and sometimes just get a chill up his spine.

One day he saw a white figure over your grave and you turned around just to touch his cheek then disappear. He started crying as he dropped the flowers.


Before you died you left a few things to him including a photo of your self. After a few weeks he noticed things would break and move on there own.

He would sometimes see a dark figure and he once stared at it for a long time until the mask melted and he saw your ghost. He was trying not to cry but you stayed with him as a ghost even though you couldn't talk.


He knew some parts of his estate was haunted since they have a few artifacts. But it was never bad hauntings so when he heard singing one day he just sighed and shrugged it off. But it kept getting louder towards his room.

"Mom did we get any new artifacts or anything?" Iida asked. She shook her head and laughed. He decided to look around for this person. He saw you and you just smiled and continued your singing. He started crying and was a mess for a bit.


He always had your necklace that you always wore on to remind him that you were a part of him now. He was on the beach one night that you two would always go to.

"Denki!" He heard. A little girl being chased by her mom yelled. He looked confused and so did the mom.

"How do you know this guy?" She asked.

"He's my boyfriend in my past life!" She yelled out. Denki seemed shocked, confused, and happy at the same time. He gave the girl a hug and she ran off. Seeing a spirit behind the girl that looked like you.


He visited the guy that murdered you and he didn't look great anymore. He visited him for a bit since he was trying to figure out why he did it.

"I keep hearing her voice yell through the halls here. Her voice is in my head and I can't get it out!" He yelled. When the guy walked back shoji left and he felt a rush of cold air go by him.

He then walked out and saw a misty figure in his car. You saw him a got out and you just rustled his hair before disappearing again. It was hard for him not to cry for a bit.


You fell off the dorms and broke your neck about a year ago. Sero would sometimes hear screaming and thuds throughout the dorms.

"You guys don't hear anything during the night?" He asked. No one said anything except for kaminari just shook his head no. Sero decided to look outside after hearing the screaming he saw your ghost wandering around and you looked up to scream again and disappear. Never to be heard from again.


In the basement of your apartment that you shared with your roommates they all decided to place a shrine down there since it was where you all hung out.

Kirishima would go down there some days and just hang out. They had warned him that they sometimes would get bruises and cuts. He hung out and felt something hugging him. He looked over to see you. the bruises and cuts stopped after that.


He always kept a small purple flower in the hideout since it was your favorite flower. He would sometimes wake up to see you watering the small flower and washing the vase. You would talk to him until you disappeared.

After that he made you go into a ring so he could talk to you when he wanted to. You actually enjoyed it as well.


He wasn't allowed to see your grave since the Bakugou family had a private burial ground. He decided to try and contact you one night with present mic and midnight.

"Dude your going crazy!" Mic yelled. You then appeared in front of his face. He passed out and you stayed inside of your ashes until you decided to come out and make food.

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