A bloody suprise (iida x stain's child)

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You had moved in with your mom when you found a diary explaining killing and where the vulnerability of some places on the body. People say you look exactly like him.

When you got to UA you had a serious crush on Iida. He was nice to you and understood your feelings. He didn't know your dad was stain though. He asked you out and you both were happy

When you heard your dad hurt his older brother you were furious. Tsu thought it was because of you being so over protective him so much.

"Y/n come on you don't have to worry so much about Iida's family." She laughed. You glared at her.

"It's not that and if I told you you wouldn't understand and you would hate me." You yelled at her. You stormed off to find your dad somewhere.

"Y/n wait what's wrong?" Iida yelled. You started crying something you haven't done in a long time. You walked back inside and left Iida outside.

You watched the rest of the fights and got a call from your dad.

"H-hi daddy." You whispered.

"Did you win?"

"N-no I didn't even get enough points to get past the cavalry battle." You began crying. He shushed you over the phone.

"It's alright I got to go now but I'll see you tonight." He said. He hung up the phone and you were shaking. Why was he suddenly being nice to you?

You picked out a random agency and worked with them for a bit. They didn't understand why you were upset but tried telling you you were doing great.

When the last day rolled around you didn't go out of the room they told you to stay in. You went out once.

"I need to see someone." You told the person. She nodded and you walked down to the security prison. "I'm looking for Stain he is my father."

You sat in front of him a piece of glass separating you. He just looked at you waiting for you to say anything.

"Why?" You whispered to him. He looked ashamed at what he did. You knew why just it was the only thing that came out. "I hate you so much!"

"I know." He whispered. You started shouting at him and heard someone walk in. You looked behind you to see Iida in two arm cast.

"Y/n why are you here?" He asked. You didn't answer him. "Come on babe you can tell me anything."

"You know how I said you weren't aloud to meet my family. Well he's my dad." You grumbled. "I was just about to leave." He walked away.

The next day at school everyone ignored you and there were notes on your desks to kill yourself and your dangerous so leave us alone.

You ran out of class and went to the bathroom. Kendo from class 1-B was in there.

"Your boyfriend and his classmates being assholes?" She asked. You nodded "let's clean you up. You don't deserve a guy who treats you like shit for the rest of your family. Or just a plain guy that treats you like shit."

You laughed a bit as she fixed you mascara. A few other girls in 1-B came in and helped out in other ways.

"Principal Nezu I would like to make a transfer to 1-B." You told him. He nodded and you walked into there dorms.

Iida tried to make amends but kendo would just tell him to fuck off.

"Fuck off dude if you wouldn't treat her like shit maybe I would let her near you!" She yelled. You felt way better being in B then you did in A.

You started dating Kaibara (the dude that can do solid air) you were happy and didn't feel like you were walking on eggshells.

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