When you see him naked

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You weren't paying attention one night and stumbled into his room while he was changing. He just made awkward eye contact with you.

You honestly couldn't have cared less so you laid on his bed while he was freaking out. You just laughed at him until he was done.


You really wanted to cuddle with your boyfriend and brought in a blanket, pillows, and snacks. You just walked in and he started yelling.

You then looked up to see your boyfriend trying to get pants on. You both made awkward eye contact and then he yelled at you some more. He couldn't be mad since you cuddled with him.


Fuyumi didn't realize her brother was changing so when you went upstairs to his room. You walked in and looked at him. Your face flushed pink and you immediately closed the door.

"Who was that?" Todoroki asked himself. You went downstairs and Fuyumi just looked at you confused.


Shilo was being rambunctious and when you tried to put a bow on him he ran off. You followed him trying to catch up to him.

"What are you doing Y/n?" Iida asked. You looked at him. He was naked, great. You scooped up Shilo and quietly left without saying a word.


You were coming over for a project which you wanted to do. You were listening to music and walked into him room. He was lip syncing while getting dressed and it was pretty weird.

"Please get out and never speak of this again!" He yelled. You teased him about in secret.


You and Mina were bored so you both went your separate ways to find someone to bother for a bit. You busted down Shoji's door and he just looked at you.

You laughed nervously and ran out the door. He just walked downstairs and laughed.


His whole family wanted to meet you so you were gonna go soon. You were wondering when you guys were gonna leave so you went to ask Sero. You didn't knock and his face went bright red and yelled at you.


His brother decided to prank him and told him that he wanted to hang out with you. You ran up there screamed like a vulture. He laughed and then you saw that he was naked. You slapped his brother.


Shigaraki wanted to play a prank on him and made you spray this in his room. You crept up there and dropped the can when you saw he was naked. He just brought you inside and you read the Bible.


You were expecting him to be sleeping so when you saw the lights on. You heard someone grumbling and when you walked in you immediately walked out.

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