Tensei iida catch up

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How you meet

You met on the first day of high school. You knew he looked familiar from somewhere but you couldn't place your finger on it. You guess you were starring for too long since he realized it and waved.

"Hi my name is Iida!" He told you. "You can call me Tensei!"

Sorry I can't hear you I'm deaf

It's fine i just said my name is Tensei and it's nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too

Your quirk

Your quirk is hacker you can hack into anything you put your hand on

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Your quirk is hacker you can hack into anything you put your hand on. You can also store how it was made

Drawbacks: you can get a slight electrical shock when you touch something and get dizzy.

When you meet again

You were walking home and some kid ran past you knocking you down. Your things spilled everywhere and he turned back to help you.

"Heh sorry I just can't wait to meet my new little brother." He told you. You laughed and smiled.

That sounds like fun and thank you.

When he asks you out.

You, midnight, present mic, Aizawa, and Tensei were all really good friends so when Tensei started avoiding you you got worried.

"He's just planning something don't worry Y/n." Midnight told you. You would always smile and nod.

I like you Y/n and I have for a bit now. Will you be my girlfriend?

You touched his face and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed and laughed a little bit.

First date

He took you to a tulip field and then a chocolate factory which you accidentally broke with your quirk.

You both had fun which ended with Tensei running away from your foster parents.

Do your parents like him?

Your parents love him and love how well you both communicate with each other. There proud that you have friends.

His parents think your really cool. Baby Tenya likes you to since he likes playing with your necklaces.

(My cousin almost knocked down two lamps because of this. The first one I had to push back so it wouldn't fall on her)

First kiss

You and your friends were hanging out eating lunch and everything when they started whispering. You narrowed your eyes at them when Tensei kissed you.

"Oh did you two just kiss?" Aizawa asked. You looked at your boyfriend and he smiled his dorky grin.

Wedding dress

(I'll get it up later it won't load)

Everyone was so welcoming at the ceremony and Tenya was about 7 so he was the ring bearer. The cake was good as well.

When he cheats on you

Idk man I don't think Tensei would cheat on anyone

What kind of dad he is

He actually is the fun parent and lets the kids do whatever they want. When you come in and see this you get really angry.

He would want about 4-5 kids at max. He loves kids and wishes to be closer to his brother

When he gets hurt

It was the night that Tensei got attacked in hosu city. You were about 7 months pregnant with your first kid and you came shorty after Tenya.

"You need to calm down y/n it's not good for the baby." His mother kept telling you. You listened to her and slowly walked into the room. You immediately walked out since you began to cry so much. You were glad for his mother that day.

First time?

You both snuck out one night and went to a secluded area to do the do. Your friends were quick to pick up what happened before.

Your best friend

Present mic

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