How you make fun of him

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When ever there is a good point where he mumbles on end you actually talk with him but louder so people know what he's talking about. Everyone except for Bakugou finds it funny.


Whenever he's in one of his explosive moods he always makes a weird sort of face. when everyone is quiet you do the face and yell what he might say. which mostly ends up with you having burns and him apologizing on end.


Just when your in a good mood you make fun of your classmates and the day came when you did Todoroki. You said something along the lines of and anime protagonist. Everyone laughs except for him.


Whenever he is doing his hand chopping motion and saying something. You always do the motion and move your mouth along with him. Everyone doesn't take you seriously anymore but they love it and he is always confused when he does that


Every time he does his "yeah" thing you always do it as well. He always yells at you and jiro since she does it as well.


Whenever he is upset you do a copycat and copy his every movement and it makes him smile.


Sero's movement's represents Spider-Man and he likes to hang upside down. So you randomly break out the Spider-Man theme song and after the 5th time he got annoyed.


You know the bandanna around his head? Yeah you would steal it and do your impression of him and you even do your hair like his. He found it cute until you started saying things were manly that wasn't manly and he stole his bandanna back.


He is a emo boy and he would sulk around sometimes and you would copy him when you were upset so you would get what you want. It never works.

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