What he does when you have to go somewhere

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He didn't realize that you had to go somewhere really quickly until you didn't show up for class one day.

He was extremely bored and felt like a piece of him was missing.

"Midoriya they just texted me saying that they had to go somewhere for there fathers business trip due to a client wanting to meet his family." Iida ended up telling him. Midoriya has eyes full of shock. "It apparently was a last minute thing and they forgot to tell us."

He was bored without you there for three days. You were bored as well since businesses can only be so interesting.


He was confused why you weren't at the library one day and tried calling you. Of course you didn't pick up. He was worried and he also felt lost.

You came in the next day crying but he comforted you until you told him what was wrong. (Insert something sad) he got you a milkshake to help you calm down.


"Sorry dear Y/n is spending time with there mother and father for the week. They aren't too happy but it was there first time meeting them." Your aunt told him.

He still went over to your house to make sure your aunt was alright and made sure that she wasn't lonely. He spent his lonely times with your aunt.

When you got back you smelled like cats and hairspray. You also for some reason had a burn hole in your shirt.

"They suck." You simply said. Which ended with a laugh by your aunt.


You had to go take care of your grandma for a bit since her assistant was out of town and you were the next best person.

"Sorry Iida They aren't here, they are taking care of their grandma." Your mom told him.

Poor shilo just laid on his bed cause he missed you too much. Iida missed you and you sent him photos of your grandma's cat. It cheered him up a bit.


"Oh it's you, they aren't home and is volunteering at an animal shelter in Australia." Your mother told him.

He was really lonely but your younger siblings kept him company. He talked about you a lot to the bakusquad

"We hang out with them too dunce face!"

"Yeah but I love them!"


He was really confused without you. You were only sick but he went over and tried taking care of you.

"Shoji you shouldn't be here!"

"I know I just wanted a hug!"

He ended up getting sick as well

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