What ouran highschool character he is

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He is hunny do I reall have to explain this?


Kasanoda since they both have bad tempers but have a soft side that they keep secret.


He is Mori since he is strong and kinda quiet.


I have seen where he is Mori and Kyoya but he is Kyoya but less doucey and less flirty.


He is either Tamaki or one of the hitachin twins. I have seen one where he is also haruhi's dad but I don't see it.


He is Mori again both kinda quiet but with physical attacking he is strong.


One of the hitachin twins since he's goofy and likes to bother people. Less perverted though.


He is probably renge really out there and just places herself in everything.

Aoyama (only for this one)

Fucking tamaki do I need to explain this?

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