When he killed someone

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Midoriya- this happened in our role play last night

He got really fucking jealous at you talking to Iida. When he noticed you studying with him he lost it. He walked into Iida's room and just stabbed him right in front of you.


"I guess I am." He yelled. You yelled into the hallway and took Iida to recovery girl.


He was being weird lately and when you went to his house he had a his mom and dad sitting sitting up watching TV.

"Oh hello Y/n do you want food?" He asked. You screamed and just ignored him from then on. Were you gonna be murdered if you stayed there long enough?


He kept looking out the window for some reason. He didn't seem to be listening that day. You were cuddling with him when police knocked on his door.

"Wait your telling me you murdered your father?" You yelled. "I know you wanted him dead but god damn!"

"I know I'm stupid." He told you. You sighed and kissed him as he was carried off.


He had been leaving questionable gifts to you. This day he had drawn the line he gave you a head of a guy who said he liked your shirt.

"I told you your mine so don't try and run away sweetheart." He told you. You didn't leave him and it only got worse until the police showed up.

You told Iida over and over you didn't call them but he just locked you in a crate for that night.


He had been quiet for a bit now and it usually wasn't like him. So you gave him a hug and he just let it all out.

"I dropped someone from 100 feet in the air I killed a person!" He cried. You gave him cuddles as he cried and you guys watched his favorite movie.


He was very secretive about everything so everything was fine as usual except Tokoyami wasn't in class. You thought maybe he's sick or something.

What shoji wasn't telling you is that he wanted to kill everyone so you two could have permanent alone time. This was all found out when Todoroki decided to take out the trash and he found the body.

"I feel bad for his family but not for killing him." He said on the other side of the door. You quickly told me Aizawa but there was no proof to back it up.


He was trying to get you high one night and when you did he told you something strange.

"So about a week ago I drugged a girl and beat her to a bloody pulp." He told you. When you got out of the trance you questioned him and he immediately denied it.

"Are you lying to me ser-bear?" You cried. He nodded and you just sighed. You wrote a letter to her saying how he is sorry and gets high and doesn't think rationally. She never wrote you back.


His teeth were sharp and he knew that (I sure hope so) so when he was playing 7 minutes in heaven and had to go into the closet with Mina and he came out with blood dripping down his chin you were freaked the fuck out.


"SHE LITERALLY RAN MY HEAD INTO HER SHOULDER WHICH STARTLED ME SO I BIT HER." He yelled. The police understood it was on accident so no charges were pressed except he had to plan the whole funeral.


Again you don't care


You were walking home when you heard a little kid crying. You walked towards the sound and picked the kid up. You noticed the dead body and immediately turned the kid away.

"Wait what's this?" You asked as you picked up a bit of scarf. It looked like Aizawa's and you took the kid home and Aizawa narrowed his eyes at you. "Go play with Eri sweetheart."

"What's that kid doing here?"

"There mother died maybe you should pick up after yourself." You said as you threw his scarf at him.


The weird cat person wasn't in your class and you genuinely liked talking to him since he had weird stories to tell. Tensei didn't notice and just smiled when you brought it up.

It's not funny he could be dead for all we know!

"Babe calm down didn't you check your email?" He asked. You logged in and slapped him.

You killed him didn't you?

He nodded and then kissed you. What the hell?

Bnha boyfriend scenarios (Bnha x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora