First kiss

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You both were in the library studying for your next test. Midoriya was trying to do pick up lines on you but you were getting confused. He then just leaned in to kiss you and for some reason you just let him.

Iida and uaraka were in the back to the library watching you two and Iida got it on tape. It was truly a sight to be hold when you got back to the dorms.


It was a quiet day since you were trying to look for your glasses that you left in the library. Bakugou always came by to help you study. He saw you on the floor with no glasses on.

"Babe there on the table here." He told you. He slid them on your face. "God your stupid at times." He gave you a quick peck on the lips before you both sat down and studied. Well neither of you were focused after that.


It was after your guys second date actually and you both did the cheesy thing of kissing each other under an umbrella while it was raining. Your aunt found it adorable.


He of course met you outside to walk back to the dorms with each other. Other classes were aloud to go in each other's dorms for sleepovers and everything.

You both played Stardew valley with each other for about 3 hours before he kissed you bye and went back to his dorm. Shinsou joined your game and talked with you through discord. He knew everything. Iida texted a picture of him being pink. You suddenly remembered about your quirk and started laughing.


He actually set it up shockingly. You answered the door and your siblings just randomly looked at him. He then kissed you while you weren't looking.

You actually kissed him again and your brother had to break you two apart from each other. It was a nice night while you both looked at the stars and -ahem- read the Bible.


You both had a starring contest while in his dorm. You really wanted to win this one so you pulled down his mask and kissed him. I kept my eyes open and he had his closed his.

"I won!" I yelled.

"Dammit!" You let him kiss you in return.

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