How he proposes

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You both were on a rowboat and you both decided to take a small nap. Well you had no idea where you both were when you woke up.

"Well no one can watch us." Midoriya said. He then pulled out a ring. "S-so will you marry me!" You hugged him and the boat tipped over. Luckily some other guy in a boat helped you back to shore.


He just came to you in the house and looked flustered.

"Marry me dumbass." He yelled. He then pulled out a ring and you started crying. You hugged him and just made weird sounds.


He decided to spite his dad who was yelling at you for never being accepted into the family and Todoroki got upset.

"Marry me Y/n." He said. You laughed and nodded. He then flipped him off.


It was during dinner and Tensei nudged Tenya a bit to hard and a small box fell out of his pocket. Everyone went quiet and you looked at him.

"Well cats out of the bag will you marry me?" Iida said. You hugged him and started crying happy tears. You kissed him and he turned pink.


He snuck in your window and kissed you awake. you slapped him at first and he laughed.

"It's just me. Wanna marry me?" He asked. You nodded and kissed him. He then walked out your window and you followed him.


You both decided to go to the nearby waterfall with your dog. You both splashed each other with the water before when he resurfaced.

"Hey come here." He laughed. You walked over to him and he pulled out a ring. You tackled him in the water and you both spent 3 hours trying to find the ring again.


He was trying to get you to pay attention to him. You were sick and trying to get some sleep.

"Babe marry me?" He asked. You opened your eyes and saw he had a ring. You started coughing and thought he was lying before you nodded.


He tried to do something cool with fireworks but it failed since the marry one didn't fire off. He decided to fire off the last one and with his head and a ring.

You understood what it ment and hugged him when he returned to you. You screamed yes and kissed him.


This gremlin just kinda threw a ring pop at you and yelled. (If you get this reference you will be my best friend)

"Marry me Rebecca!" You looked at him confused and smiled while not knowing what's going on till it clicked. You nodded and hugged him.


He decided to have Bakugou help him with this. He decided if Bakugou brought up marriage a lot in conversations you would want to get married he was right.

He proposed a week later and you nodded for it. Bakugou busted down his door and started yelling something.


You actually proposed and it was unexpected too. You both were having a small dinner with each other since you don't see each other that often.

"Tamaki will you marry me?" You asked. He started crying in the middle of the restaurant and said yes under his breath. You both got a free dessert.


This man is a tease he mind controlled you to say yes to the proposal. You literally asked what the hell after.

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