When he found out you killed someone

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You had been a bit secretive lately and quick with yes or no answers. Your boyfriend thought that it was strange and found your diary.

I killed someone I can't BELIVE I did it. My brother didn't deserve it! Oh my god I'm gonna die.

When you walked back in he quietly just walked out and stayed quiet about it. You never were a suspect or found out.


He was walking downtown late at night when he saw blood dripping from a balcony. Then a body was pushed off. He almost threw up but when he looked up he saw you.

You came out of the building and he ran over to you. You started running to your house and when he caught up to you he pinned you down. You screamed since he hated that and let you go.

"Bye bye~!" You yelled as you ran off. Never to be seen again.


When someone brought up the stain attacks you just froze. Most people think it's anxiety. During the Hosu attacks you were working on a hero native when Iida showed up.

"I got him Y/n work on native." Stain told you. You were trying to slice natives throat if Iida were to attack you. When Midoriya showed up and soon after your boyfriend.

"Attack me and this guy dies." You told him. He tried to attack you and you slit natives throat. After that you made your getaway. Todoroki was stunned that you actually did that.


He was happy and brought flowers for you. He walked in your house and he saw you wiping blood on you.

He was freaked the fuck out and you kissed him. When you did that you got blood on him and put the knife in his pocket. You called the police, cleaned up, and Iida got arrested.

"I can't believe Iida killed your parents!" Mina said. "Who knew he could do that!" When she walked away you just smiled.


Your family had been missing except for you and you were 'worried'. Denki was visiting you house and everyone was cut up and at the table with you sitting there.

"Hi Denki want dinner?" You asked. He came in and sat down. He ate a part of it.

"What is it?"

"Human flesh." He immediately threw up. "Tell anyone and I swear you will be next.". He nodded and you went back to the dorms.


You hated his family since they would always say you were improper. You had enough and one day you killed his mother.

"Mom dad I'm home." Shoji yelled. He was confused since usually his mom would hug him. He went upstairs to check his parents room and saw you stabbing his father. "What the fuck Y/n?"

You looked at him crying. "I didn't do it I saw them dead and I came inside to see if I could revive them!" He believed you and helped you wash up. The neighbor ended up getting arrested for what you did.


His sidekick didn't like Sero and what he did. So you followed her home and killed her. When she didn't show up Sero got worried.

When the police said she was dead Sero was confused. You just smiled to yourself while cleaning the dishes.


You had been acting strange and hearing voices. You finally cracked and killed everyone in you house. You left a note and ran off.

Kirishima went over and when he opened the door he started crying due to the shock and smell. The note was confusing and soon found you in the insane asylum.


He seriously doesn't care


Your aunt drove you craze with telling you how to dress and everything. You broke everything in her house and when you both fought she 'fell of the balcony'

You were smiling all throughout her funeral and when you got home you happily made dinner. He knew you were acting weird but didn't want to say anything.


You had worked as a maid for a bit and the head maid made you mad. She would only yell at you. You pushed her into the furnace one day and started freaking out.

Miss Iida the head maid fell into the furnace and I think it was from suicide!

"Oh this is bad thank you Y/n!" Tensei's mom told you. Tensei gave you cuddles until you calmed down.

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