When you switch bodies

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You woke up like any other day except you were starring at your body. Did it happen are you dead? You looked down at your hands nope still here but who were you. The other person flipped over and just looked at you confused.

"D-did we switch bodies?" Izuku asked. This was weird you turned on your phone and tried to take a photo. You were Midoriya and he was you. This was awkward.

"Alright don't break any bones and you'll be good!" He laughed while trying to figure out how to get back to your normal size. Iida was just looking at this weirdness going on thinking at your quirks were just going haywire.


You were studying in the library like normal when you suddenly blacked out. You woke up at UA but you were taller and more muscular.

"Kacchan what's wrong why aren't you hurting Midoriya anymore?" Kaminari asked.

"Kaminari what am I doing here?" You asked. He seemed weirded out that your voice seemed higher. "Wait am I in Bakugou's body?"

"Y/n WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!" Bakugou yelled as he opened the door. Kaminari finally believed you.


You both were training at ground beta when you suddenly could see what Todoroki was seeing well you were Todoroki.

"Y/n are you alright why can't I use my fire or ice?" He asked.

"Look down!" You yelled. You then just heard him take a deep breath. "Yeah I think we switched bodies." You did a flick and fire just shot out. Midoriya and everyone watching just seemed confused. Recovery girl understood though.


You both were playing with Shilo and Iida just was really happy. You loved this side of him the one who wasn't afraid if you broke the rules once.

Well all was going well when you suddenly were starring at yourself and were taller. Shilo seemed a bit confused on what happened.

"Whoa I'm really tall." Iida whispered.

"I'm really short!" You laughed. You then felt the engines poke out of your legs and it just flung you into the nearby wall. Iida's mom just walked outside and just seemed confused.

"We switched bodies and Y/n can't get used to my engines." He told him mom. She just grumbled and went inside.


He snuck into your room and just stared at you for no reason. Then you felt something run up your back and you were Denki not your greatest thing you ever wanted to be.

"Why am I you?" Denki asked.

"My little sister must have gotten her quirk." You grumbled as you looked at her who she was just starring at you. You rushed out the window and down the ladder.


You were at valentines dinner with Midoriya and Uraraka when you suddenly just seemed taller.

"Hah I can give so many good hugs now!" You laughed. Midoriya just looked confused as you said that. "We switched bodies." Shoji just felt around his mouth and then looked at me.

He seemed surprised that you were so tiny and that if he just scanned everyone here that he could see there nightmares

"Now I understand why you hate your quirk so much." He mumbled.

"Just wink once and you can turn it off." You said through bites of food. He did that and he seemed relieved.


You were having a snowball fight with everyone in your class when you were making more snowballs you just looked at yourself who was on the ground.

"Just keep making snowballs and don't question it!" You laughed. You both were laughing about this while you were throwing the snowballs.

Everyone was confused after you went inside of what you were talking about. You just talked and they understood.


"Oh come on Kiri it's just a concert nothing can go wrong!" You laughed as you wrapped your arms around him.

"Fine." He grumbled.

The concert came and suddenly this powdery kind of stuff came from the ceiling. It was pink and when you touched it you switched bodies with Kirishima.

"Well this is strange." You laughed. Kirishima just looked at you.

"You said nothing could go wrong!" He grumbled.


You all were planning the summer camp attack when you looked down to see the purple stuff on Dabi's hand.

"What the hell is this stuff?" You asked. Everyone just looked confused. "Why do you have my face?"

"God why can't anything just go normal for any of us?" Dabi growled. You just threw your hands up and screamed.


You were in your math class teaching something when you were suddenly starring at 1-A.

"God no wonder why he's always tired." You mumbled. "Bakugou I know you can do better!"

"Shut it old man!" He yelled. You thought of saying something about being his future brother in law but you didn't.

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