Kirishima catch up

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How you meet

You were walking to a concert with your good friends and they were talking about how they wanted to do drugs after. Of course being the little rule follower you are you just ditched them since you had the tickets.

"Oh come on Y/n we were joking!" One of your friends yelled. You rolled your eyes and just threw a ticket away. You then found a random person in line and gave him one of your friends tickets.

"Hey you don't have to pay my friends are being assholes so here." You told the person. "I'm Y/n L/n by the way."

"Nice to meet you I'm kirishima!" He yelled.

"Y/n." You told him.

When you meet again

You were sitting in your seat and totally forgot about that guy you gave your extra ticket to the concert. You were casually eating food while reading your texts from your friends to give them money back since they paid for it. You weren't going to do that.

"Hey Y/n!" The red haired male greeted. You looked up and smiled at him.

"Sup Kirishima my friends are yelling at me for stupid crap!" You yelled. He smiled at you and the concert began.

You two ended up having a blast with each other and you both exchanged phone numbers. Your friends just yelled at you afterwards.

Your quirk

Fast Time you know what will happen in the future if you pay attention

You don't go to UA or any hero school.

Drawbacks you can sometimes get PTSD at what happened.

How he asks you out

You and him have hung out and texted for a while and he would always make excuses to go out just to hang out with you and play Mario kart of something.

"Hey you maybe want to go on a date sometime?" He stammered. You blushed and kissed him on the cheek of course you would say yes.

First date

It's almost 1 am I'm not putting a photo up.

"God Y/n you take longer then that concert we went to get ready!" Your roommate yelled. You came downstairs quickly and you were in some pants and and a green shirt.

You both just kinda walked around the mall and Mina and Sero were stalking you guys. You found that out when she walked in the bathroom and kirishima had texted her. You two came out of the bathroom talking.

It ended up after that being a double date.

Do your parents like him

Since you don't talk to your parents you introduced him to your roommates who really didn't care if they knew him or not. They ended up while you were in the bathroom painting his nails. So yeah they like him.

His parents adore you and always ask when your gonna come back and visit. Bakugou kinda likes you but Mina likes to paint your nails when your over.

Your best friend

Mina or Sero

Cute couple things you two do

You both like to just stare at each other and with no expression or emotions just starring. When one of you starts laughing it's hard for either of you to stop.

"What are they doing?"

"Just give them a minute."

What he does when he's jealous

He does something dangerous to make him appear manly and get you to notice him. He once tried to pick up something heavy and it fell on him.

"What were you thinking?"

"I don't know it seemed like a good idea at the time!"

First kiss

You both were walking back to your place and when you both got to the door he just kissed you out of nowhere.

He forgot about his teeth and they cut your lip but you didn't care.

"Y/n what happened to your lips?"

"Oh nothing!"

What he does when you have to go somewhere

"Sorry man they are out of town for something I can't remember." (this is just author being lazy) your roommate said. "It was pretty urgent and they wanted me to tell you."

You both were supposed to go on a date today to get his ear pierced. What ever it was it must have been urgent.

He was upset for the week you were gone. He called you but it was just quick little calls. You never said where you were going.

"Hey kiri I'm back!" You yelled. "Sorry my sister was having her baby and since I took parenting classes I had to help her." He forgave you and you got his ear pierced.

Wedding dress

Same as iida's

It was a normal wedding but I was kinda awkward that your parents were there. You might have had a tux/wedding dress on but you wanted to fight them.

"Is this normal for them?"

"Yeah just give them a few minutes."

What he does when you get hurt

You weren't thinking and Aoyama dared you to just from the a second balcony ledge. You of course did it. You ended up having a broken leg and wrist.

Once you got back from recovery girls office. Iida of course gave you a big lecture but kirishima gave you a big hug and you cuddled with him until he felt better.

What he does when you have a nightmare

You hated your parents for killing your animals and not paying attention to you and your sister. Your dad would hit you when you interrupted him.

You had a dream that you were falling and you had to go back home and Kirishima was just gone so he couldn't help you. You were beaten to a bloody pulp and ended up dying of your wounds.

You of course were shaken up and you were crying. kirishima heard your quiet sobbing and hugged you and reassured you he would make sure that would never happen.

Your couple song

Trade mistakes- Panic! At the disco

How he would feel if you died

"Kiri I'm fine!" Those words haunted him. He knew you were in pain and he shouldn't have left you alone.

"Mr Kirishima I'm sorry to say they have died and you can say your goodbyes." The doctor told him. He started crying and just cried over your body for over an hour.

He locked himself in his room and just cried while Bakugou and the gang tried to get him to at least eat. He soon got better but he was gonna need time.

What kind of dad he is

He is the helpful dad who likes to do random things to everyone. He once taped all of your guys clothes to the ceiling and walls.


"This is payback for you all trying to convince me that I wasn't cool!"

He would most likely want at least 3-5 kids since he loves them. He finds it adorable how much you give up for your kids

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Him: top
You: bottom

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