What he does when you get hurt

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You were tired of Bakugous attitude so you being the stupid person you were you challenged him to a fight.

You lost by a long shot but you got a long lecture by everyone mostly Iida but you felt smart in the end.

"Now it's my turn! Don't do that!"

"Yeah, yeah I definitely won't do that again."

He gave you a bunch of cuddles that night since he was glad you were ok.


You underestimated Mei by a long shot due to her support things. You knew about her quirk but you ended up being her roller skate tester since you didn't have school.

She used her rod things to move away quickly. You ran into one and tripped on it. Your glasses broke and you had a broken wrist.

"Hey idiot we need to get going. What happened to you?"

"Mei moved to quickly and her rod thing was still in the way."

He picked you up and helped you to Recovery Girls office. He tried joking around with you after that while walking you home.


You were messing around with a stick during a campfire 1-A had while camping.

"Y/n your gonna hurt yourself put the stick down!"

"Don't tell them what to do they can handle it!"


The stick ended up hitting you in the head and Denki was laughing at you. All it did was catch you off guard but it hurt enough for tears to start in your eyes.

"Told you!"

Todoroki ended up letting you sit on his lap to try and help you calm down


You weren't the smartest person in the class. You were pretty good friends with Denki and sometimes that doesn't work in your favor.

"Y/n why are you on your balcony this late at night?"

"Denki told me to jump and try not to break anything!

"Why do you listen to him?"

You didn't hear that last part and just jumped. You ended up in the ER with Iida giving you a lecture. Denki saw you a few days later and ran to hide. Iida gave you a kiss and ran to give him a lecture.


Being best friends with Mina has its downfalls and her acid usually got into her makeup. Which she likes to test new thing on you. You didn't know this the first time and it suddenly started burning.

"Uhh this doesn't feel normal?"

"Yeah you don't look normal either."

You washed your face off ran ran downstairs as Mina poured you a glass of milk to wash your face off with.

"What is going on?" Denki asked

"Some of my acid got into my makeup which I put on Y/n and I think we need to go to the emergency room."

I got my face out of the bowl of milk and Denki picked me up and carried me to the ER.

"Don't worry she is just having an allergic reaction!"


The thing about some of your nightmares is that you fall out of bed and getting random bruises on your arms

When shoji shared a bed with you for the first time he was startled when he heard a loud thump. He looked over and saw you crying so he wrapped you around his arms and sang you to sleep and you had a small smile on your face.


You were being stupid and messing around with dark shadow and you accidentally turned the lights off when you were visiting since you were going to bed.

You didn't know about the tiny thing about dark shadow and when you went to the bathroom you noticed that dark shadow was in the dark saw you and attacked you.

"Who turned off the hallway light?"

"I did I'm sorry."

"Dark shadow can't be in total darkness since he gets hard to control."


Sero ended up patching up your wounds and gave you a hug. He sang you to sleep and walked you back to your school he next day.

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