Jungkook - Pretty wedding boy

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You finished touching up your makeup, turning to your best friend Jungkook, who was sat on the bed waiting for you.

"I'm ready to go koo" you said, and he looked up with a smile as you both made your way downstairs.

You held onto his arm as you slipped your heals on, unaware of his gaze that stayed on you, a soft smile on his face.

He had a big crush on you, but he had no idea how to tell you, he didn't want to ruin your friendship.

The wedding was that of your best friends.

She had been dating her fiancé for a long time and you both knew they were perfect for eachother.

She kept saying to you that you and Jungkook would be a cute couple, but you just brushed it off, you thought he would never like you in that way.

It just wasn't ever going to happen, he was WAY too innocent.

You both arrived at the wedding, greeting everyone.

You squealed when you saw your best friend, running over to her as Jungkook went to find the groom.

"Y/N this is so exciting! I see you came with Jungkook" she winked at you, you laughed.

"I came with him as a friend! You know he doesn't like me in that way" you said.

"I wouldn't be so sure..." she teased, pointing over at Jungkook who waved at you with a small blush on his face.

"The ceremony is going to start, lets go sit down" he said to you after hugging the bride.

You held his arm as he led you to sit down, letting you hold his hand as you watched your friend get married, he wiped your tears as you leaned on his shoulder.

Then came the buffet, which you didn't intend on eating any of as you didn't want to put on weight.

But Jungkook being the sweetheart he is, bought you a plate of what he knew you liked, as well as a drink.

"You need to eat princess..." he mumbled, sitting you down and placing the food and drink in front of you.

You blushed, thanking him and digging into the food, which was really quite delicious.

Jungkook couldn't help but gaze at you sweetly as you ate, your big eyes looking around at everyone else.

He thought you were amazing, the cutest and most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

After a little while, the DJ began to get the music going, and the bride and groom had their first dance.

Others in the room were then invited to slowdance as well.

You were surprised when Jungkook stood up and held out his hand to you.

"Y-Y/N, can I have this dance?" You blushed, making him bunny smile as you took his hand, letting him lead you gently to the dance floor.

He placed his hands gently on your waist, pulling you close to him as you slipped your arms around his neck.

You rested your head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his cologne.

He smelled amazing, you wondered what it would be like to fall asleep with him.

You smiled to yourself, and he giggled, "What're you grinning about?" he asked, meeting your eyes with a grin as you looked at him.

"Nothing..." you mumbled, and his eyes creased with the ever growing smile.

"I felt you sniffing me, thinking how nice it would be to fall asleep with such a handsome guy huh?" He teased, you whined, smacking his chest and looking up into his eyes.

You gazed up into his eyes, and Jungkooks gaze flickered down to your lips.

"Koo I-" you were cut off when he got closer to you, his lips almost touching yours, "I've wanted to do this for ages" he mumbled.

Before his lips were gently pressed on yours, you kissed comfortably for a moment, before you broke it, "Koo...I love you..."

A/N: I made an announcement so if you haven't seen it go look cuz I'm not gonna repeat it here.

I'm gonna try and make these ones a bit longer so there's more for ya'll to bite into because I feel like they're too short.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to follow me and check out my other books ^^

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