RM - When you're depressed

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It was 3pm now and you hadn't moved from your bed.

You were like this every day lately, just another depressive period, they happen sometimes.

Even your antidepressants couldn't help you now as you laid there, not even crying.

You knew Namjoon would be worried, and you knew that HE knew you were feeling like shit lately, but you couldn't bring yourself to contact him.

You didn't wanna disturb him while he was at work, why would he come away from his studio for boring old you??

No way, so you didn't bother, you just laid in bed, staring at the wall.

Little did you know that Namjoon was very worried about you, and he got off work early so he could come and stay with you for the whole weekend, to help you feel better.

About an hour later, you heard your
apartment door open.

You knew who it was, only your boyfriend had a spare key to your apartment.

He shuffled his way inside wearing comfy clothes with plastic bags in both hands.

You dragged yourself out of bed to greet him, walking into his open arms.

"Oh honey... he mumbled, tightening his hold on you as he shuffled over to your bed, sitting down and pulling you onto his lap.

"I got some snacks, and some of my clothes for you to wear, I'm yours all weekend baby" he said, making you smile a bit.

He was so sweet, and always knew how to make you feel better, the ideal boyfriend you could say.

He rubbed your back gently before sitting you on the bed, handing you his clothes in the bag, you went to change before Namjoon stopped you.

"Nuh-uh baby, when did you shower last hmm?" He said, making you blush as it had actually been a few days.

"It'll feel so nice to wash your hair and body before getting comfy, lets get the shower running hmm?" he took your hand, gently leading you to your bathroom.

He turned the shower on, laying out your towels and clothes on the toilet seat and lighting a couple of candles for you as well.

You smiled at him gratefully, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before he left you to take a long, warm, shower.

It really did feel so good to wash your hair after so long, giving your body and face a good scrub as well.

You spent about 30 mins in the shower, even using a hair balm you found neglected, deciding to use it on your hair and give it some extra love.

When you eventually emerged from the shower and wrapped a towel around yourself, you saw Namjoon had left a facemask, moisturiser and other skincare for you.

You smiled, drying yourself and doing your skincare before changing.

You got back to your room, feeling far more refreshed, seeing Namjoon had a variety of food for you both to share.

There was your favourite chinese takeaway as well as some avocado salad (because you needed a vegetable he said), complete with a big bowl of Nachos with all the toppings, and some other snacks and drinks for you both when you watched the movie he had set up.

Your eyes sparkled, and you almost cried at how thoughtful he was.

He patted the space next to him for you to sit, and you happily joined him as he made a huge plate of food for you.

"Make sure you eat plenty of the salad Y/N, my baby needs nourishment" he said, poking your cheek cutely as you giggled, eating around half the bowl of salad to please him.

You were so happy eating the chinese food and nachos, Namjoon couldn't believe you could eat that much and still ask him to keep the snacks out for the movie.

You settled down in his arms as the movie began playing, sharing a bowl of crisps and some coke as you snuggled into his god-like, sculpted, beautiful namtiddie man chest.

"I love you Joonie..." you mumbled, blushing as you felt him kiss your head, making you look up at him.

"I love you too baby, I always want you to be happy..." he guided your chin towards him and smiled his dimple smile, before pressing his lips softly onto yours.

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