V - Lawyer homework

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"Ugh, stupid homework..." you mumbled, crumpling up yet another page and throwing it across the room.

"What's up princess?" Your boyfriend asked from where he was sat in his chair.

"I can't do my stupid homework!" You pouted, making him chuckle.

Tae was a lawyer in a local firm, you were in University studying Law and you met him while doing an internship at the same firm.

"I can help you baby, I did the same course remember?" He chuckled, coming over to you and sitting down next to you.

You pouted up at him and he patted his lap, inviting you up.

"Kiss?" You mumbled, he grinned, "you can have kisses after you do your homework baby" he said, making you whine as he looked at the work you had to do.

You wanted kisses from Tae NOW!

But you knew he wouldn't give in until you had done the work so you pouted, snuggling down in his lap and listening to him explain the work as you wrote notes and tried to figure out your work.

"I hate this, can we take a break?" You pouted up at him after a while, he sighed but nodded so you went to get a drink.

You began making yourself some tea, not noticing Tae come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist.

You giggled at the ticklish feeling as he dug his face into your neck.

"Princess, we need to get this work done hmm? We can have snuggle time after you finish..." his deep voice spoke close to your ear.

You blushed, and he chuckled as he pressed a kiss behind your ear, before he headed back into the living room.

You finished making your tea, taking a sip before heading back to Tae and sitting next to him.

You huffed, picking up your laptop and typing away again.

You hated doing it, but it needed to be done, so you kept going. You made a few notes, attempting the section again before showing it to him.

He read it through, "hmm, just try this bit again baby, see how-" he explained some stuff you misunderstood, and you went back into deep thought.

After a while you finally finished the question, "Oh! Is it this Tae?" You showed him what you wrote down and he grinned, kissing your forehead cutely.

"Well done baby! see it's not so hard is it?" You blushed cutely, snuggling your face into his chest.

He chuckled, standing up and lifting you up with him as he took you upstairs to your bedroom.

"Movie?" He asked, you grinned and you both changed to be comfy, Tae changed into some sweatpants and you pulled on one of his shirts, which you always loved wearing.

You then snuggled down in bed as he put on one of your fave movies to watch together.

You didn't last long in the movie, falling asleep on top of his chest as he stroked your back gently, god he thought you were adorable.

You never asked him for help with work, even though he was happy to assist you, you always felt weak asking for help.

But as he watched you sleeping peacefully on his bare chest, with your cheek squished against him, he vowed he would always try and help you if you asked.

A/N: BTS comeback! I'll totally do a special imagine when it releases, that'll be fun.

Don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books! <3

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