Jin - When you're plus size

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Yet another item of clothing from your closet was thrown out.

You did this all the time, deciding to throw out clothes and practically buy a whole new wardrobe that you thought you looked better in.

You were a bit bigger than the average girl, your stomach coming out a bit further and your thighs being a bit thicker and having a small flap under your arms.

You were insecure about it, but your boyfriend was just the biggest sweetheart.

Jin loved every single thing about you, and he constantly showed you all the time.

"Baby... I can't sit on your lap" you whined, resisting his hand on your bare thigh, which was currently driving you insane.

His hand was stroking your thigh gently, as he tried to convince you to come sit on his lap.

He grinned at you, shaking his head, "baby, you won't crush me, I want you to sit on my lap, I want my baby on my lap" he pouted.

You couldn't resist him any longer, and sighed to yourself as you got up.

"Ok but I warned you" you reminded him, now wanting to be responsible for crushing him under your weight.

Your boyfriend practically lit up as he sat himself upright, spreading his legs slightly so there was plenty of room for you.

You blushed, smiling, embarrassed as he was so excited.

He chuckled, "it's ok jagi, it's just me..." he smiled at you comfortingly, and you took a deep breath as built up the courage.

You slid yourself onto his lap, your legs straddling his as his hands came around your waist to hold you steady.

You heard him sigh in content as you settled down on him, his hands gripping you tightly as you gazed up at him.

"See, nothing to be scared of, I love you..." he mumbled, nuzzling his nose on yours as your face flushed scarlet.

He grinned at you, "you're shy, cute..." he mumbled, kissing your cheek.

You pouted your lips at him, because it's about damn time you got a kiss, he's all in with the teasing and stroking your thighs and no kissing.

He smiled ever so softly, and you visibly melted, which made him blush a bit as well, endeared by you.

He cupped your face gently, and his lips were pressed onto yours.

You shared soft kisses, the occasional giggles also making an appearance as you sat up more on his lap, pulling yourself impossibly close to him.

"Oh sweet thing...you're amazing you know?" He mumbled, kissing your nose and cheeks softly, he was absolutely endeared by you.

"Beautiful..." he mumbled, pressing kisses around your face as you giggled quietly, god he loved you so much.

"Jinnie?" You said quietly, almost inaudible as he held your waist.

"Yes baby?" he kissed your forehead nuzzling his nose into yours, his hands caressing your large thighs where they spread out over his.

"I love you..." you practically whispered it to him, your eyes glassy.

His gentle smile made a comeback, and he rubbed your back as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"I know, my adorable baby..." another kiss to your forehead.

He was heaven.

You melted into him, burying your face into his chest as he hugged you close to him.

You relished in his warmth, snuggling your face further into him, as if to climb into his soul.

"Don't fall asleep sweetheart, we still need to have dinner hmm?" he mumbled, carding his fingers through your hair gently.

You grumbled, and he laughed as your head moved to the crook of his neck, snuggling into him.

You wrapped your arms around his neck as you mumbled to him, "no food...Cuddles..."

A/N: This is my first Jin imagine since he left so it's just super soft and cute ok don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books <3 backup acc: hoseokkphile

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