J-hope - Shy boyfriend

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"Hobi?" You slowly opened the door to his studio to see him dancing, he hadn't noticed you before you closed the door, which caused him to look up in the mirror.

"Baby?!" He screamed happily and ran over to you, taking you in his arms. "Hi love.." you mumbled into his neck as he held you tight to him, afraid you would let go. Despite your busy lives you managed to always find time for eachother, going on dates, cute couple times, it was moments you treasured together.

When you both pulled back he had a light pink dusted on his cheeks, you smiled and he shyly chuckled, taking your hand.

"Come on! I wanna show you my new dance I just made" he said, excitedly pulling you to the bench and making you sit down.

You were giggling as he made you sit and got into his position, before signaling for you to press play on the music. He danced his heart out for you and you watched with your mouth hanging open before he finished, striking a pose and smiling at you in the mirror.

You started clapping earnestly, making him giggle shyly as he made his way over to you. He picked you up and sat down, as you situated yourself on his lap.

You being so close to him was making him feel flustered, a heart smile appeared on his face as he admired you before he realised he got caught and proceeded to bury his face in your neck.

"You're cute" you said, making him laugh "and I love you~" you heard his whine as he tickled your waist a bit, making you squirm in his lap. "I love you too" he mumbled incoherently.

You squeezed him tight, enjoying being in his arms like this. "Do you wanna go home and have a movie night?" He asked, "read my mind" you replied before you both gathered your stuff, laughing as you left the company and went home.

At home:



You walked back into the living room with your chicken crisps. To your boyfriends wide heart smile, you jumped onto him, as he let's out a loud 'oof' sound as you settled into his body, you took your chicken crisps and snuggled into him, paying close attention to 'The Martian' which was playing (my favourite film btw)

You were so into the film that you didn't notice Hoseok was staring at you, you looked to the side to see his eyes gazing at your side profile.

You chuckled shyly and pressed a kiss to his jawline, you watch his reaction and he chuckled, still smiling at you before his pink cheeks made him look away, you kissed his cheek again with a laugh, before turning your attention back to the movie.

Most of the movie Hoseok spent staring at you, he figured you knew he was going it but he just couldn't look away from your beautiful face.

At the end of the movie you turned to him with a huff, making him heart smile, "I'm sorry, I couldn't stop staring at you, you're just so beautiful..." he trailed off, blushing and covering his face with his hands.

You started laughing, him being too cute for you to handle. "Hey, don't laugh!" He whined, pulling you so you were straddling him and burying his face in your neck again, which seemed to be his favourite thing to do when hes embarrassed.

You squish his cheekies and kiss them, rubbing your nose on his "I love you Seokie" you said, and he blushed as he pressed a kiss to your nose "I love you too Y/N"


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