RM - Stuck with u

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Your bodies fit together like a puzzle piece. Namjoon pulled you flush against his chest, one of his hands moving up to clasp yours, your head resting on his chest.

You swayed together to the music, enjoying this peaceful moment.

He looked down at you resting your head on his chest with your eyes closed, he couldn't help his grin, his deep dimples on full display.

He exhaled and you looked up at him, snaking both your arms around his neck as his free hand wrapped around your shoulders.

He pulled you impossibly close to him, pressing his lips onto yours.

You smiled into the kiss, making him smile too as you both felt giddy with absolute adoration.

You pulled away, resting your head in the crook of his neck as you finally whispered those four simple words in his ear, making him smile the widest he ever had, "I love you Joonie..."

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