Jimin - Don't yell at me!

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"What are you doing!?! Just leave it alone!" the supermarket employee yelled out.

You had accidentally spilled something in the isle and had attempted to help clean it up before being shouted at by someone who definitely didn't get paid enough for this.

But you were very sensitive, and certainly did not like to be yelled at by a stranger in a supermarket.

Your lip trembled and just as you were going to cry, your boyfriend appeared behind you as he heard the commotion.

"Baby? Hey don't yell at my girlfriend! I will have you fucking FIRED" Jimin was furious as he held you close to him, the employee looking a mix of shocked and bored.

"Come on love, let's get out of here..." you both made your way to the checkouts, you paid for the shopping as Jimin made some phone calls, not happy with his girlfriend being humiliated in public.

You both went home, Jimin holding your inner thigh the whole time he was driving which made you blush like a tomato, much to his delight.

When you got home he helped you put the shopping away, Jimin would never let you do things on your own, you're his girlfriend, not his mother.

"Let's watch our TV series princess, go put on one of my hoodies hmm?" He held you close, pressing kisses on your cheeks before pressing a kiss to your lips.

You squeaked, running upstairs as Jimin laughed, endeared by how shy you were.

You grabbed a hoodie he wore recently, so it smelled like him.

Changing into it your you felt your anxiety leaving your body, he was the perfect boyfriend.

"Mimiii~" you cooed as you jumped into the living room, seeing Jimin had turned on the mood lighting and pulled some soft blankets on the sofa, drinks and snacks set up for you both on the table.

You giggled, practically jumping into his arms and straddling his lap as you pulled a blanket around your shoulders and snuggled into him.

You let out a big sigh as he wrapped his arms around you, a big grin on his face.

"You're so cute~" he giggled, kissing the top of your head as your TV series came on.

"Mimi?" You mumbled, your chin resting on his chest as you looked up at him.

He grinned down at you, that adorable smile on his face as his eyes went into crescents, "Mmh?" He made a noise for you to continue.

"Love you Mimi..." you mumbled, stretching to kiss the tip of his nose before snuggling into his chest again.

Jimin keened, absolutely smitten and endeared by how much you loved him, god he thought you were adorable.

He chuckled softly, his finger coming under your chin and lifting your head to look at him.

He looked into your eyes and saw your cheeks turning red, it was so cute he nearly combusted.

"Oh my sweet baby, I love you too..." he mumbled, before pressing his lips on yours.

A/N:  Another soft fluffy imagine!! I'm trying so hard to get this book to 200 chapters so I can focus on my other books for a bit once this one is finished. Hope you enjoy!!

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