Jimin - when you're hot at night

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It was the middle of the night and you woke up really hot, "ah screw it" you said and took of your shirt and bra, leaving you in just your panties.

You finally felt cooler and sighed as you were able to go back to sleep.


You had neglected the fact that your boyfriend was sleeping next to you. You had barely had sex, and when you did you always had one of his oversized hoodies on because you felt insecure.

He respected your wishes but always told you he thought you were beautiful, sometimes stroking his hand gently up your waist under the hoodie to tease, he never went very far though.

So Jimin was pleasantly surprised when he woke up to you almost naked under the covers, your back was facing him but he had a huge grin spreading across his face, his eyes rolling over your body, seeing just your panties on and nothing else.

He gently stroked a hand down your curves, excited for what was on the other side.

You awoke to his hand running down your body and you bit your lip as you slowly pulled the duvet closer to the front of your body.

"Love, I know you're awake..." he said gently, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.

"What happened during the night hmmm?" He asked with a laugh to which you replied "I was hot..." with a pout.

He chuckled again, his hand laying on your waist, "Will you turn around for me beautiful?" He asked softly, you blushed and slowly turned yourself to face him, clutching the duvet to your naked chest, Jimin smiled at your shy state and kissed your forehead.

He then thought of a way to maybe make you feel more comfortable, so he slipped his own shirt off, joining you in half nakedness.

"How's that baby? Now we match" he said, as you giggled, releasing your death grip on the duvet.

He pulled it back to where it was before, revealing your naked torso as he put his hands on your waist and pulled you closer.

You had a bit of confidence after he had taken his shirt off, but you were still a bit shy.

"Well, good morning gorgeous..." he mumbled, eyeing your naked chest, you were also looking at his, a prominent blush on your face, he looked up at you and eye smiled, licking his lips.

"Beautiful" he said, kissing right between your breasts, "So beautiful for me..." he mumbled. You relaxed more now and held onto him, needing the physical contact and becoming more clingy.

"I'm here princess it's ok, I'm here..." he mumbled reassuringly as you clung onto him.

He maneuvered you both so you were straddling his lap so he could hold you properly.

Hugging you, he ran his hands up and down your back to soothe you, as you leaned into his neck and breathed his scent.

You always got clingy when you fell into a more submissive headspace.

"You're so beautiful baby, don't be insecure" you pulled back and looked at him as he stroked some hair out of your face, you kissed his nose and he smiled, pressing his soft lips on yours.

You kissed for a while, enjoying eachothers presence before you pulled away and cupped his cheekies. Giggling, you dug your face into his neck as he hugged you close.

He always had a way with making you feel super small and shy, you loved it so much.

He pushed some hair behind your ear, stroking your back gently to soothe you, breathe hitching as you pressed a kiss to his neck.

You mumbled, making him perk up.

"What was that princess?" He asked with a giggle, pulling you back so he could talk to you properly, "I didn't quite catch that" he giggled mischievously.

"I'm ready Jiminie" you mumbled. "Ready for what, my love?" He said gently.

You went bright red, gripping his biceps, and Jimin giggled when he realised, "does my babygirl want me to make love to her?" You nodded, looking up with your wide doe eyes, "please..."

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