Jin - When you have bad period cramps

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"Jin baby? Can you refill my water bottle please?" You pouted at him as you handed him your now empty water bottle.

Staying hydrated during your period is important and with the insane cramps you got you couldn't afford to have a migraine as well.

Your boyfriend grabbed your bottle, pretending to groan and comically drag his feet to the kitchen, making you giggle.

He brought back some snacks for you as well, knowing your cravings like the back of his hand by now.

You smiled gratefully at him as he sat back down next to you, letting you rest your head on his lap as you lay down.

You pressed play on the movie again, and sighed as Jin began running his fingers through your hair.

He knew you were in pain, your whole body clenching as strong abdominal cramps rippled through you.

This could last for hours, so you ended up having to take the day off work, staying at home to look after yourself and praying you didn't end up having to go to hospital.

You looked up at your loving boyfriend from your position on his lap, just gazing at him.

He was so lovely, always looking after you when you had a bad time, he was the perfect boyfriend.

"Y/N, my love, are you ok?" He asked, looking down at you with concern as his hands wiped your cheeks.

It was then that you realised you were crying. Sniffling sadly, you lifted yourself up, instead straddling his lap with the blanket still wrapped around you and burying your face into his neck.

"Baby, is it the cramps?" He spoke gently, his large hands rubbing your back as he kissed your hair. You shook your head, nuzzling further into his neck as you tried to get yourself closer to him.

"Is my baby emotional hmm?" He lifted your chin to get you to look at him, you pouted as you looked into his eyes, tears still falling.

"Cute..." he mumbled, before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. Your whole face scrunched up and you burst into tears again.

Your boyfriend chuckled, guiding your head back to his neck as he cuddled you close to him.

"My Jinnie..." you mumbled, resting your head on his shoulder to look up at him.

You began pressing continuous kisses to his cheek, practically nomming on them as he grinned shyly, small giggles coming from your loving boyfriend.

You sat up, cupping his face in your hands and kissing everywhere you could reach, mumbling how much you loved him as you went.

Poor Jin was a blushing mess by now, his lovely smile as wide as ever as his eyes were crescents.

"So cute, my baby Jinnie..." you nuzzled your nose on his and you both giggled.

"If the boys ever saw that they would never stop teasing me" he chuckled, hugging your waist and pressing his lips onto yours again.

You smiled, "well, I'll make sure this only stays between us" you booped his nose.

"Oh! My cramps are gone" you celebrated, jumping up, ready to hopefully do something productive today, only to be pulled back onto his lap.

You looked at him with wide eyes as he chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close, hovering his lips over yours.

His hand on your thigh making your breath hitch as he spoke, "I don't think we need to go anywhere princess, I think you should stay right here..."

A/N: I know it's 4am but I am fucking FLYING through these requests, just 15 more imagines and this book is finally done!! There will be a book 2 at some point but after this is done I wanna focus on my other books so I can write my series 703!

Don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books! Backup acc: hoseokkphile

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