RM - Baby fever

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"Joonie? Can I have some more carrot sticks please" you pouted at him, big puppy eyes looking up at him.

He smiled, heading to the kitchen to grab some of your latest pregnancy craving.

This was your second pregnancy, the last one... didn't go as well, your daughter was still born at full term, you still had to give birth to her, but she just wasn't alive.

Seeing your child who you had grown for 9 months in that way, you and Namjoon didn't know what to do after.

You ended up asking your mother what you should do, and she suggested you try for another baby.

You and Namjoon talked about it and decided to do it.

After your daughter died you realised how much you still wanted a baby, and so far this pregnancy was going ahead with no faults, despite the fact you were riddled with anxiety CONSTANTLY.

"Joonie do you think she's ok? Maybe I should get another scan just in case..." you mumbled, shoving carrots into your mouth.

Namjoon smiled softly, "baby, my love, the doctors said she was fine, our baby girl is fine hmm? There's only a week or so left to go and then she's ready to pop, so don't worry sweetheart..." he kissed your forehead.

You nuzzled your face into his neck with a sigh as your hands rested on your pregnant belly.

You couldn't help but be nervous, you couldn't bear it if the same thing happened to your second child.

You were so desperate for a baby, you didn't want to kill another one, feeling that it was all your fault that she died.

"Oh baby..." Namjoon mumbled, kissing your hair gently as you found yourself crying.

It was natural to be emotional during pregnancy, but you were even more so since this was your rainbow baby.

You just wanted everything to go smoothly, she was due in just a week, so the steaks were even higher now than ever.

*One week Later*

"Baby maybe she's just not ready yet?" Namjoon reasoned as you stood at the reception desk in hospital.

"Nope, she's due now so she'll come out now!" Your baby was due now, but she had made no attempts to leave your womb, your waters hadn't even broken.

So you decided to get yourself induced, which you can apparently do when it gets to your due date and the baby still hasn't come out.

The nurse popped your waters with a needle and you were in labour ALL DAY.

The epidural did wonders but a natural birth is always difficult, but at 9:53pm your beautiful baby girl was born.

You were in bits, on one hand devastated as it made you think of the baby you lost, and on the other hand you were overjoyed to finally have a baby, your daughter.

The experience made for some very complex grieving. The nurse handed her to you, and you never felt happier than you did in this exact moment.

"My baby..." you whispered, tears falling down your face as your husband rubbed your back, smiling at his wife and child.

"Oh Joonie, she's perfect..." you gazed up at him, and he leant down to kiss you softly.

"She is, I'm so proud of you my love, you did so good" he mumbled against your lips, kissing you softly as your daughter began to cry.

You bottle fed your daughter, unable to breast feed due to your previous stillbirth, but she seemed perfectly content, her little fingers holding onto yours.

She was perfect.

A/N: This is a request, but I based it on a true story. Everything in this is literally my life. My sister was stillborn a year before I was born, my Nan told my mum to try for another baby as she still wanted a child, she had me induced the day I was due because she said those exact words that I wrote in the imagine, and I was in fact born at 9:53 on the 7th of March 2003. Can't imagine what it would've been like for my mum to loose a child at full term like that, she still had to give birth to her dead child, floppy and lifeless, and got to hold her for 5 mins before a nurse asked what she wanted done with the body. My mum couldn't breastfeed me after the stillbirth because her milk was gone. So this imagine is for her, she still managed to have a baby and she raised me well, you didn't kill her mum, you did nothing wrong, you did good, love you mum x

Also sorry to the person who requested this that it's a bit morbid but it's still kinda cute with Namjoon and it's nice to tell my story but make it have a happier ending.

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