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"She's grumpy today..." Namjoon mumbled to Jin as he sat at the table for breakfast.

Jin raised an eyebrow as Yoongi stumbled in, taking his seat and practically inhaling the coffee placed in front of him.

"Why? We had a great time with her last night didn't we?" He wiggled his eyebrows at Jungkook, who blushed profusely.

Being one of the only three subs in the group, he was easy to fluster, much to his dismay.

Yoongi didn't say a word, but his cheeks were pink as Namjoon rubbed his back, other than Y/N he was the other sub, as much as he hated it.

"I think she wants cuddles, she wouldn't let go of Yoongi-hyung when we finished, just made baby blush even more than usual hmm?" Namjoon said with a grin as Yoongi scrunched up his face, burying his face in his hands with a whine.

Meanwhile, you were in your room, curled up on your bed in a bad mood, not wanting to talk to anyone or do anything.

Word apprently got around fast as soon Jungkook entered your room, not saying anything as he got in bed with you, pulling you into his arms and rubbing your back.

You sniffled, trying desperately not to cry as you took a shaky breath.

Jungkook sensed you were feeling worse than they thought, it obviously wasn't just a bad day, something was wrong.

Jungkook whipped out his phone, sending a quick text before getting up, covering you with the blanket and turning on a soft lamp so he could turn the big light off.

A few minutes later Namjoon entered the room, as the main Dom in the group, he made it his job to assess anyone feeling down after one of their group sessions.

He bought some snacks and drinks with him, setting them down and thanking Jungkook, who left the two of you alone.

You didn't move from where you were curled up on the bed, shaking slightly as you tried to hold back your sobs.

Namjoon took off his hoodie, leaving himself bare as he got into bed next to you, resting a hand on your back and rubbing gently to comfort you.

"Sweetheart, can you look at me? I just want to know if you're ok" he said softly, keeping his voice low so as not to startle you.

You turned slowly, burying your face into his chest so you didn't have to look at him.

He held you close, rubbing your back in slow circles as he spoke, "I think you're in sub drop honey, and I'm so sorry no one noticed before, but I'm gonna look after you now ok?" He waited for you to give some indication that you heard him.

You just nodded, snuggling further into him as you cried quietly, he turned slightly, grabbing a bottle of water and a chocolate bar from the bedside table before turning back to you.

"Can you sit up for me princess? I want you to have a drink and something sweet, it'll help you feel better my love..." he helped you sit up, and you took a few sips of water until Namjoon was satisfied, before handing you the chocolate bar to munch on.

"Is there anything I can get for you baby? You want anyone else to come cuddle with you?" He asked, rubbing your back gently as you ate.

You pouted, and Namjoon smiled a bit as he thought you were cute, before you replied "Want everyone for cuddles..." you mumbled.

Namjoon grinned, kissing the top of your head before he fired off a quick text in the group chat letting everyone know their baby needed them.

Not a minute later, Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung burst into the room.

"Cuddles for the baby!" Jungkook declared as him and Yoongi snuggled up on either side of you on the rather large bed.

The bed was huge enough to fit all 8 of you somehow, and you all loved snuggling together.

Yoongi curled up next to you, cuddling into your side with a faint blush on his cheeks.

Jimin smiled fondly at him, stroking his cheek with his finger from where he was sat next to him.

Yoongi whined and snuggled further into you and Jimins warmth as you also cuddled up to him.

Taehyung sat in front of all of you, with room for Hobi and Jin, who were grabbing more snacks for everyone.

Eventually you had all seven of them there with you, and you let out a little sigh as Yoongi snuggled into you, Namjoon holding you close on his lap as you buried your face into his neck.

Jimin rubbed your back from where he was, and Jungkook leaned in to caress your cheek gently.

You were in absolute bliss, loving the attention you were getting from all of them.

It was making you a bit shy, and you let out a whine, your cheeks and ears turning red.

Hoseok chuckled from where he was sat, making all the others look, "oooooh someone's shy!" He called out.

You turned to glare at him, a big pout on your face, "nooo! No teasin' :(" you mumbled, climbing into Hobis lap instead and burying your face in his neck with a little sigh.

All the members looked at each-other with fondness, a couple of them clutching their chests in pain.

"You feeling better princess? Much happier now aren't you..." Jin mumbled, cuddling up to you and Hoseok with a small smile.

You were indeed feeling much better, thanks to your 7 boyfriends who always looked after you.

You were all connected to the same wavelength...

A/N: This is it! The final imagine for this book! There will not be a second book for a while as I will be working on the other books I have. This is just a fluffy aftercare imagine with all the members which I think is super cute and a fitting end for this book. If you like this, do check out my other books! Which will now begin to be updated regularly :)

Thanks so much for reading and supporting this book that I've been working on for the last 4 years, it's been my longest running hobby, and my writing style has really grown, and I have so many ideas for books, so make sure you FOLLOW ME to get all my updates!

Backup account: hoseokkphile

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