RM - Company time

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"Namjoon, you need to practice, Hobi said he would be back to check on you, and dance teacher Hoseok is SCARY"

You informed your boyfriend of his current task as he was hovered on top of you in the practice room, giving you kisses.

He nuzzled into your neck, pressing kisses there before sucking a hickey into your skin.

You gasped, and he smirked.

"I know the routine babe, I can spend time practicing some other skill instead..." he continued pressing kisses to your neck.

You rolled your eyes, smaking his butt playfully.

His lips made their way to your face, going just about everywhere they could reach.

He moved back, looking into your eyes for a moment, making you blush.

He chuckled, his eyes moving to your forehead as he pressed a gentle kiss there.

Just as Hoseok came in.

"KIM NAMJOON, PRACTICE, NOW!" you burst out laughing as Namjoon pulled himself up.

The dance leader made Namjoon practice the routine solidly for almost an hour as punishment for slacking off while he was out of the room.

You giggled when he finally left, satisfied with his dongsaengs dancing as he collapsed onto the floor.

"Awww, are you tired Joonie?" you walked over to him, sitting down next to him and poking his cheek.

You pouted because he wasn't moving, before suddenly screeching as you were pulled ontop of him.

"Namjoon! What if someone sees?" You whined, burying your face into his neck as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Why? We aren't doing anything..." he sounded vaguely suggestive so you smacked his chest.

"I'm kidding Y/N, we wouldn't do anything here, that's for later..." he was very smug.

You removed yourself from your hiding place, squinting your eyes at him disapprovingly.

You suddenly dug your fingers into his ribs, tickling him.

He squealed, laughing oh so adorably with his eyes almost closing, he was so CUTE.

When you finally let up on tickling him, you got up and sprinted away, leaving the practice room and fleeing to Yoongis studio.

Because Yoongis studio is the only one that locks.

Yoongi looked utterly confused as you ran into his room, laughing as Namjoon ran down the corridor.

Namjoon managed to open the door before you could lock it, picking you up and slinging you over his shoulder as you pleaded with Yoongi for help.

Yoongi of course, did not move, this man didn't even LOOK.

He just continued with his music as he shouted 'good luck!' after you.

"Joonie please I'm sorry!" You wailed, not helping your situation at all as you were placed on the large sofa in Namjoons studio.

"Joonie pleeease!" you laughed, before being tickled incessantly by your boyfriend.

He tickled you until you were crying with laughter, before finally stopping, pulling you onto his lap.

"That's what happens when you provoke me sweetheart..." he mumbled, letting you cuddle up with him.

It was late in the evening, so the company building was pretty quiet.

It was nice to just goof off with your boyfriend, not worrying about anything, (and definitely not worrying about where Hoseok was at that moment).

"Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, so we fuck around on company time..." you mumbled to yourself.

"What?" Namjoon looked at you confused and beginning to laugh.

You shook your head, laughing with him at what you just said.

You both didn't notice a certain someone coming into the studio, hands on his hips and a frown on his face.

"Kim Namjoon! Why are you not in the practice room?"

A/N: Sorry I've been dead, I'm in my second year of University so I'm busy af, I've also had some kind of writers block ;-; but I'm trying to get back into it now, espacially as Jin is leaving us so we're depressed now, anyway enjoy this!

Don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books!

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