RM - When you're Skinny

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You didn't know why your boyfriend liked you.

When Namjoon asked you out 2 years ago, you gladly went with him, oblivious to any insecurities you didn't have yet.

But when his hands fit entirely around your waist with no trouble, and he could lift you up like a feather, you began to wonder.

You didn't have curves like the women you saw on Namjoons instagram.

You didn't have any soft parts he could sink his hands into.

You hated it, so why didn't Namjoon hate it too?

He loved your small frame, always swallowed up in his hoodies and t-shirts that you stole.

He loved how he could fit all of you in his arms, curled up like a cat on his lap.

And he loved how he could always lift you in his arms to pin you against the wall when he kissed you...

You still felt insecure though, and looking at the instagram accounts of the female singers Namjoon liked, seeing them all with their curvaceous bodies, you felt even worse.

You curled yourself up on the sofa, looking up body suits with padding at the hips, things you could use to give yourself some shape.

"Baby?" Namjoon came home, seeing you curled up on the sofa in the dark in total silence as you were engrossed in your depression shopping.

He looked over your shoulder at your phone, confused at what you were looking at.

"Why are you looking at those hmm? And why are all the lights off?" He turned a couple of lamps on, putting his stuff down and sitting down next to you.

You looked up at him "huh? nothing..." you turned your phone off, stopping him from seeing what you were looking at.

Namjoon frowned, taking your phone in his hand and placing it beside him.

He then lifted you up and very happily placed you on his lap.

You automatically wrapped your arms around his neck, settling yourself down on him and burying your face into his neck.

You knew that he knew what you were looking at, it's like he had a sixth sense for when people feel insecure.

"Honey, I know what's going on in that pretty little head of yours..." he mumbled, rubbing your back to comfort you as you avoided eye contact with him.

One of his hands came to lightly grip your chin, and you had to look at him then as his face was right in front of yours.

"What's the matter, my baby..." he kissed your forehead gently and you pouted, eyes watery as you were unable to keep your emotions in any longer.

"You too good to me Joonie, I'm not curvy like the singers you like on instagram, I'm not cuddly or soft, I don't deserve you!" You wailed, tears falling free from your eyes as you buried your face into his neck, crying so sadly it made Namjoon upset as well.

"Oh sweetheart, how can I begin to tell you how much I love you?" He cupped your face, his thumbs swiping across your cheeks to mop up the tears still falling.

"I don't want those singers, because they aren't my baby" he kissed the tip of your nose, a light blush spreading across your cheeks which made him smile.

"Who said my baby isn't cuddly? I never have a better time than when you're in one of my hoodies, curled up in my lap" he kissed both of your cheeks, his hands gripping your waist now as he pulled you in closer.

"Like right now, I have the prettiest, most cute and soft girl in my lap, wearing nothing but a t-shirt that I wore on stage once, now THAT is hot" he kissed your forehead, grinning as a shy smile spread over your face.

He leaned in close so his lips were hovering over yours, "so who says, you don't deserve me?" he whispered against your lips.

You were then met by the softest, most love-filled kiss as he pulled you even closer.

Your hands wrapped tight around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist.

Ok, maybe you were rethinking your previous statement...

A/N: This one is LONG, I'm getting better at making them longer are u proud of me. Also it was my birthday yesterday I'm 20 now haha. This was a request so please enjoy, I worked very hard on it and I'm sorry I forgot until you reminded me!

Don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books!!

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