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Miles ran. He could feel the footsteps of his captor vibrating through the concrete. He couldn't get caught, not again. He looked behind him, the man was sweating and glaring at him. To say he was unfit would be an understatement.

Miles felt like collapsing, he was tired, sore, and hurt. But he couldn't stop running, he couldn't get caught. Not again. Miles faced forward and gasped, but be didn't have time to stop himself. With a grunt Miles ran right into a human's shoe. His instincts told him to turn and run in the other direction but then he would've ran straight to his captor. He was trapped.

The human looked down at him, his eyes widened, Miles felt tears sting his eyes. He looked back the man was catching up to him. "Please help me." Miles begged to the human. "Please." God he hated begging, but he had to. Miles could only hope this human was nice.

The human kneeled down so he was closer to Miles, who fell and scooted back. The human looked at Miles' captor, "Is he after you?" He whispered gently. He had a nice face, kind eyes.

Miles nodded, "Please don't let him catch me." He murmured pathetically.

The human moved his hand closer to Miles who yelped, "I need to pick you up, is that okay?" He asked gently.

"Please be careful." Miles pleaded as he shook with fear. The human nodded. Miles shut his eyes and expected the worst, but the human gently ushered Miles into his palm, wrapped his thumb around him for security, and then pulled him closer to his chest. It was comfortable. Miles clutched the human's thumb as he stood up.

Miles looked back at his captor, he was running faster now, and was even closer. Miles looked up at the human holding him. Mentally pleaded for him to hurry up. The human ran to the edge of the sidewalk and cabbed a taxi. Miles' captor was merely a foot away when the human got into the cab. He slammed the door shut right as he grabbed for Miles.

The human told the taxi driver an address but Miles wasn't listening, he had curled into a ball in the human's hand and continued to shake, was he playing with him or was he really just nice? Miles didn't know what to think. He looked up to see the human already staring down at him, he had a worried expression on his face. Miles shrank back under his gaze.

The human's eyes softened and carefully rubbed his back with a tentative finger, it felt nice but to Miles it just felt like he was petting him. Miles eyes widened in realization, he was going to keep him as a pet, lock him up in a cage. Like a hamster. Miles shook even harder and leaned away from the human's touch. The human frowned in concern but didn't touch him again.

It didn't take them long to get to the destination, wherever that was. The human kept Miles hidden as he paid the driver and got out of the taxi. They were at a huge building, 'it's an apartment building!' Miles realized, he'd seen a few of them when he was moving with his parents.

"Hang in there buddy." The human whispered. He covered his hand that was holding Miles with his other free hand so Miles was hidden from view. Miles squeaked and tried to pry open his hands. He was trapped, he'd been in this situation before with the man who had captured him, he had trapped him and started closing his hands together. He almost broke Miles' fragile ribs, that's where his claustrophobia came from.

Miles crawled to the center of the human's hands and curled into fetal position and started to cry, he couldn't stop. He was wracking with sobs. He was scared, terrified even. He didn't want to die, he just wanted a friend. someone to trust. He just wanted safety.

The hands opened up around him and opened a door, the door slammed shut and Miles jumped, he didn't bother to wipe away his tears. The human walked over to a couch and sat down. Miles could feel the human's eyes traveling over his body from his knotted blonde hair to his tattered clothing and scrawny body.

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