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Charlie ^^^


Charlie fidgeted, picked at his nails. He was pressed against the back of his cage watching the humans talk amongst themselves.

Occasionally they'd peer into his cage which made him instinctively shy back, some would snort, others coo. Charlie looked up to see a human looking in at him, he cowered back. Nervously he rubbed his scarred arm, for some reason this man didn't seem to be moving on.

There was a lazy but kind smile on his face, "Hello there, little one," He rumbled.

Charlie flinched, burying his face in his arms. The human's smile faltered for a moment, he reached high above Charlie's head and grabbed he handle of the cage.

Charlie gasped, shaking his head rapidly. His breaths started to come and go faster, his heart pounding, tears gathering in his eyes. He could do nothing but wait as he curled into a ball.

"I'll take him," the human declared to the employee working at the cash register.

"Alright, we'll have it ready for you in a few minutes." Charlie shuddered at those words, he knew this process all too well. The latch opened and merciless fingers tightened around his waist making him gasp and squirm in pain, once in the back the man stripped him down.

Charlie was taken to the back where he was handed off to a lady who wrinkled her nose in disgust when he was given to her. She held Charlie as far away as she could as she filled the sink with burning hot water, without warning she dunked him in.

Charlie's skin was red from the steaming hot water, the woman's hands came down and coated him in a thick layer of soap. Charlie shrieked as the soap got into his eyes, burning them. He tried to wipe the soap away but only managed to make them sting worse.

He whimpered and high above him the woman laughed at him. He was once again dunked into the burning water, finally she drained the sink and got out the hair dryer. She turned him over and blasted the blow dryer on him and continued to flip him until he was completely dry.

She had an outfit picked out and she insisted on putting it on, the shirt was too loose, the pants tight in all the wrong places. Finally Charlie was placed in a box, this was arguably the worst part, the anticipation.

Imagining what the human would be like, so far Charlie didn't have good luck with finding half decent humans, and at this point didn't expect to. Sometimes he even questioned if they existed, Charlie's box was set on be counter and slid over to the man, Adam.

"Thank you," he said with a grin, picking up the box and holding it in careful hands. Adam got into his car, setting his new pet on the passenger seat.

Adam felt like a little kid on Christmas, itching to open the box. But he waited until he got home before touching it. He raced inside, sitting on the couch, he slowly pried open the top of the cardboard box.

Adam's bright smile faded into something softer as he saw the mini staring up at him from his little ball of misery. Tears streaked down his cheeks, some fresh, some dried. Adam clicked his tongue sympathetically before reaching down into the box.

Charlie let out a terrified, broken shriek. "N-No! Please d-don't!" He sobbed, trying to push himself back with his feet even though he was already pressed against the wall of cardboard.

"It's okay, it's okay, I won't hurt you." The human promised, Charlie had heard that too many times to believe it. The human brushed his finger against Charlie's shoulder, the mini flinched and tears rolled down his cheeks.

He was so helpless, sobs choked their way out of him.

"Okay, okay, no touchy. Got it." The human muttered, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Well I'm Adam, and according to this," he ripped off the information sheet off the box, "You're Charlie."

An awkward silence formed, Charlie pulled his legs into him and wrapped his arms around them, "Do you wanna get out of there?" He asked quietly.

Charlie looked him in the eye for about half a second before quickly breaking eye contact. "Here," Adam slowly tipped the box vertical, Charlie stumbled out.

The mini looked around the giant's apartment, it was nice. Small but homey, "God you are so skinny," Adam said in concern.

Out of pure self consciousness Charlie wrapped his hands around his stomach. "What's this?" Adam asked, tracing a long scar without ever touching the mini's skin.

Charlie whimpered, backing up. Adam looked down in concern, he gently cupped Charlie in his hand, the mini began to cry and squirm. It broke Adam's heart but he just quietly shushed him.

He grabbed the hem of Charlie's shirt and tugged it over his head, as soon as he had Adam covered his mouth in shock.

Hd was covered in cuts, cigarette burns, bruises, scars, some fresh some old. His back was arguably the worst, long, deep, jagged scars, traveling along the length of his spine. He also saw the full extent of how skinny he was, his ribs were poking through his skin.

He gently set Charlie back on the table, "I'm so sorry," he apologized, voice barely above a whisper.

"I had a life." Adam looked down in surprise at the soft, shaky voice, "Before I was a pet, I had a life. A father, a mother, a boyfriend. I was taken from them. By your kind," tears slipped down his cheeks, "Only to be abused and treated like utter shit, like a pet, like nothing."

Charlie chuckled darkly, "Do you know how many people have taken their pain out on me? How many ways they found to torture me? So whatever the fuck you have planned with never stack up so just kill me now." He growled, tears of passion flowing freely from sharp, menacing eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Adam said after a few moments of shock.

Charlie laughed darkly, "So many have said that. So fucking many, what the hell makes you different?" He snarled.

"Do you want me to take you back?" Adam asked suddenly.

Charlie was taken aback, "What?"

"Do you want me to take you back to the pet shop?" He repeated, "I want you to have a happy life, y-you really don't seem happy here."

Charlie stared at him for a moment, trying to depict if he was being honest or not, "Y-You're really not going to hurt me are you?"

Adam shook his head, "Of course not, you're a person. I couldn't.".

Charlie tried to calm his breathing, he looked up into Adam's eyes and saw nothing but sincerity. He knew he shouldn't trust him, never trust giant's but something felt different about him.

He began to sob, but this time tears of relief, "T-Th-Thank you, Adam."

Adam shook his head, how could someone hurt something so small and helpless? He didn't understand, "I'll keep you safe." He promised, even if that meant dying for him, he'd already gone though so much pain.

Adam refused to let him feel any more.



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