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Leo lay curled up in the back of his cage, the little kitty hybrid contently purring to himself. Outside his cage he could hear people walking past.

Occasionally a human would poke a finger through the bars of his cage and stroke his ears. He would purr and melt into the touch, craving it.

When Leo was only a child he was severely abused by his owner. He had only been adopted once after the abuse and he was instantly returned for being to clingy.

Ever since that day Leo spent his days sleeping and occasionally crying, praying that someone would adopt him. But no one ever did.

Until Evan came along.

It was a normal day at the pet shop, Leo was bored and lonely. The bell rang and the little neko raced to the front of his cage. Maybe he could get adopted, his face suddenly fell and his ears sank into his hair.

He dragged himself to the corner of his cage and curled his tail around himself, no one wanted him.

Suddenly soft brown eyes were peering through the bars of the cage, Leo's eyes widened. The human's eyes crinkled as he smiled.

"Hi there, little kitty," he murmured, sticking a finger through the bars. Hesitantly the hybrid stood and shyly walked over to the human. He stroked Leo's soft ears and hair, the hybrid turned red as he involuntarily started to purr.

"You're perfect," the human murmured. He called over a worker and Leo grinned, he was practically shaking with excitement.

The worker took Leo out of his cage and he gladly let her. He was put into a cardboard box, as the lid was put on he looked up at his human and grinned, dimples appearing in his cheeks.

The neko heard them exchange money and tried to peek out of the little air holes. The box was unexpectedly picked up making Leo fall over with a quiet 'oof'.

He sat in the corner of the box and patiently waited for the human to return home. His eyes widened and he smiled childishly, his home.

He could hear some sounds from the box, he stayed quiet. He heard another door click and his box was finally set down once again.

Leo winced slightly as light came into the box. He blinked away splotches and looked up at the human, Leo's little ears perked up. Gentle, soft hands curled around him, getting him out of the box.

He was brought to his beautiful brown eyes, "You're so adorable," he cooed, scratching Leo's little ears. He giggled and purred, leaning into his human. "You're name is Leo, hm?"

The neko quickly nodded, "Y-Yo-Yours?" Leo managed, pointing to the human. He had never been able to speak properly, he is mainly mute but he tries his best when he needs to.

The human's eyes held pity, "My name is Evan," he murmured, gently running a finger over his fluffy hair. Suddenly he smiled, he held Leo close to his chest as he sat down on a couch.

Gently he set the neko on the floor, the boy looked up in confusion but attention was quickly taken by a small red dot. His eyes widened as it flicked around, he hunched down, tail swishing.

Leo pounced, clapping his hands over the little dot, he grinned and opened his hands expecting to see the little thing. But it was gone, he looked around in confusion.

His eyes locked on it again and he jumped, his hands on top of the dot, but then in was on his hands he smacked his hand somehow missing it. He watched it zoom across the floor, above him Evan laughed.

This continued for a few minutes, frustrated tears welled in his eyes. He tried again and again, hearing Evan laugh at him. Finally he couldn't do it, he broke down. Shaking sobs racking his body.

Evan gasped high above him, he flinched heavily as the human's giant hand came down beside him. He was scooped up, the human gently shushing him and pushing back his hair.

Leo shook his head, sniffling, he felt pathetic. Too small to do anything, stupid, and weak. "I-I-I cou-cou-couldn't-" his voice trembled and cracked.

"No, shh, it's okay," Evan coaxed, "Here watch this." He picked up a little metal object he pressed a button and the dot was back. "It's a laser, you're not able to catch it."

Leo watched in confusion, "Wh-Why?" He whimpered, heartbroken.

"I-I," Evan sighed, "I don't know, usually it's funny to watch cats play with them, I'm sorry Leo."

Leo nodded and rested his head against Evan's chest. Crying had tired him out, he felt like he was about to drift off when Evan stood.

Vertigo swelled in his stomach, he let out a soft breath. He smiled as he was set on a fluffy pillow that he sank into. "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings with the laser pointer," he murmured.

Leo prepped himself for speech, "I-I-If-" he cringed, his threat burning, "I-It makes y-y-y-you ha-happy." His voice faltered at the end.

Evan smiled softly and shook his head, "I realize now that you're not a pet." He whispered, taking a seat beside Leo.

The neko's head snapped up, his ears fearfully tucked against his head. Tears gathered in his eyes, "N-No, pl-please," he croaked, "I-I c-c-can't-" he choked on a sob, he couldn't go back. Not again.

"Woah, hey-hey," Evan cooed, he cupped a hand around Leo but didn't pick him up. "I-I won't return you, that's not what I meant. You're like a.... roommate to me."

"R-R-Roommate?" Leo mumbled, stumbling over the large word.

"Mm hm, a friend." Evan smiled down at the neko.

"F-Friend?" He asked, eyes wide with hope.

Evan smiled, "Best friend," he corrected with a grin.

Leo hesitated, wrapping his arms tightly around himself. "I-I like th-the sound of th-that." He whispered.

Evan ran his thumb over Leo's hair, "Now get some sleep, little one. I'll see you in the morning."

Leo smiled to himself as Evan turned off the lights.

He had a best friend.


Damn Amelia back at it again with the shitty endings.

Ughhhh why did I write this? I'm working on some straight stuff by the way.

It's not as enjoyable to write for me personally but it's coming I promise.

Okay yeah I'm bored.

Leave me a comment saying something, idk I'm also pretty tired.

Mm bye lovelies, sleep tonight.


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