🤞 pt. 1

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written by SeansObsessed <3


           The cold, blistering winds of emotion was all that he felt, all that he knew. He didn't even know his name. By the giants, he was referred to as one thing - "it." It's memory was failing, and he had only glimpses of his past, but he knew that he had a life before this... A life before his "change."

It went to school, like any other teenager, and the final grade he remembered was eighth. He wasn't popular, but he wasn't an outcast, either. It was just a normal, everyday kid. He got good grades, had his own little group of friends, and went bowling every Friday. He was obsessed with Stranger Things, and also loved Marvel comics, stating that it was "so much better than the movies." However, all of these narmalcies added up to nothing after his alteration.

It didn't remember much, but thinks that it was like any other day. He was walking home from school in Atlanta, the capital of Georgia, with his best friends, whose names he doesn't remember, but he's pretty sure that they were Timmy and Rick. It was the week before Christmas, and they were all very excited about what they were going to get. As Timmy and Rick arrived at their homes, It continued on his way to his own home, and, suddenly, everything cut to black. When he woke up, something was definitely wrong. He was standing on a vast, gray surface, and it seemed to last forever - a table. It had been shrunken, but he didn't know how. Regarded as "pet" and "it," his "master," who he never saw, only observed him, scribbling notes on a pad. It disliked it severely, and shivers ran down his spine. It was at that moment that he realized he didn't even know his own name. So It devised a plan to break out... that night.

The plan was simple - wait until food was delivered, kick the guy in the face, and then... just kidding. It was going to take a lot of luck, especially for such a little guy. The door to his cage had a lock, and the key sat only a few feet away. However, a few inches, for It, was not very close. It fact, it seemed a mile away! But It had a floss, which could maybe lasso the key? Again, luck. Then, It would have to scale the table, run out the door, scale the stairs, and get outside... somehow. It was going to be a miracle if It could get out, but that's what It was good at. After all, as he remembered, his name, which he didn't know, meant that he was clever.

And so came the time. The ticking of Master's clock clanged away, and he could hear the footsteps from the lower level. He threw the floss out of the cage, hoping it would get the key. All his hope latched onto this moment, it was flying towards it!... And it landed right next to it. It slumped down in disappointment, his eyes tearing up. He started to howl, banging the floor of the metal cage, when he heard a "shh!"

"What the-?" It said out loud, the last time doing that seeming like ages ago.

"Now way," the voice said.

In front of him, handling the key, was someone else his own size. He looked so familiar, but It couldn't place a name. It wasn't Timmy or Rick, but someone else. It looked at him in confusion, and the other tiny unlocked the door to the cage with the key, which was around his own size. The tiny hugged It, almost crying in joy.

"Leshaan!" the other said, "It's me, Tommy! I can't believe it's you! When you went missing, everyone was looking for you! I was, too, and then ended up here! How did yo-"

At that moment, the two heard the pounding footsteps of Master. They gave each other matching looks, dashing behind a photo frame. It was stupid to do, but what other choice did they have? As Master screeched in anger, throwing a fit, It reflected on what had just happened. What else was there to do?

So, that's my name, he thought, Leshaan. Sounds Irish. And, Tommy... My friend's name isn't Timmy, it's Tommy! He's here with me!

Master left the room, yelling their two names, and they scaled the cabinet, landing on the floor with a THUMP! It was inaudible to the frantic Master, however, and the two made a break for it. Master was right around the corner, and he didn't notice them! Could they make it? Leshaan was jumping onto the stairs, pulling Tommy with him. Then, after scaling about six stairs, they heard the worst noise in the world -  Master was coming down the stairs. Leshaan latched onto his shoe, since he was nonchalant to their presence, and Tommy did the same. The door creaked as Master walked out the front door, and the two tumbled with excitement. They were still in Atlanta, they could get home!

"One," Tommy mouthed, "Two, thr-"

The car door slammed, and Master slumped into his seat. Pulling out of the driveway, the two noticed that his phone was on the opposite seat. Leshaan was the first to take off after it, climbing up the compartment to get to it. Tommy followed, and the two got to it secretly and quietly. They grabbed the phone and dialed 911. It rang loudly, and the operator picked up.

"911, what's your emergency?" the operator asked.

"HELP!" the two tinies screamed as Master realized what was happening, "WE GOT KIDNAPPED AN-"

Master snatched the phone, shutting it off and panicking. He drove faster, overtaking a few cars and turned into someone's driveway. He ran into the house, calling for a "Dr. Bezack."

"Bezack!" Master screeched, "I thought you said their brains would be shrunken, as well, 'cause they're damn smart!"

"Mr. Nadelman," the doctor started as he ran down the stairs, "Smaller brains don't make anyone less smart, jus- Did you say 'they're?'"


"You said it was for LAB RATS!" Bezack panicked, "I'm going to jail, I'm going to-"

"What's the difference?" Master commented, but got back to the topic, "How do I return them to normal?"

"Yo- I only have one vial, Nadelman!"

"Well, then," Master, or, Mr. Nadelman, stared down at the tiny souls, "If I return one of you to normal, you'll keep quiet? I only need one."

Leshaan shook his head, but Tommy nodded quickly. Leshaan gasped, turning his head toward Tommy in astonishment. How could he? Leshaan would never betray Tommy! Did he have a plan, or-?

"Good," Nadelman grinned, and threw Tommy to Dr. Bezack as he put a gun to his head, "Make some magic, dude."

Hyperventilating, the doctor did as he was ordered, taking a vial of a yellow liquid and pouring it into a machine that looked almost like a microscope. Placing Tommy under it, he pressed a button, and he began to grow, and grow, and grow! Normal-sized, Tommy sighed in relief, gazing at his hands... and then at Leshaan's disbelieving stare.

"I'm sorry," Tommy said, "But it's every man for himself."

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