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I love This sososososo much! Written by dilwithit20


Nick waltzed around his apartment, cleaning small, random messes and throwing dirty laundry under his bed.

He screeched along to the words of "Pocketful of Sunshine" with a happiness he hasn't felt in a while. Today was his lucky night. He had a date.

Nick smiled, remembering how the two met. It was awkward, short, and resulted in a phone number. How? He's not sure. Nick was never great at talking to people, and he sure as hell wasn't great at flirting.

Strolling to the beat of "Shut Up and Dance with Me" he met his own eyes in the mirror. The bird nest of curly blonde hung over his light hazel eyes, framed perfectly by his black glasses and a confident grin.

He tied his rainbow bow tie ('cause the world needs more color) and played with the cuffs of his white shirt, oddly anxious. He was excited, but he hasn't dated before. It just wasn't his thing. He sighed and looked over himself again, and sprinted to his door, noticing the time.


Dan sighed, hearing the door slam after the human. Dear God was he loud.
Dan opened up his secret hatch under the couch, grunting from the work. He looked up, noticing the radio still playing music.

If Dan could remember correctly, Nick had to explain this purchase to his mom. Dan didn't understand it but Nick kept saying it was for the "aesthetic" or whatever.

Anyways, Dan was happy for the few hours alone. Nick screeched like a demon, and was very obnoxious.

Dan took out his hook, spinning it around haphazardly while in thought. What was easy food? Dan really didn't want to try that much. It was just one of those days.

He sighed and started walking over to the kitchen counter, not in a rush. Nick was supposedly going to see someone. The thought bothered him, but he pushed it aside as he threw his hook high up above.

While climbing, Dan recognized a song that was playing on the radio. He hummed along, slowly inching up the counter.

He stopped humming after a while, instead leaving himself to his thoughts. Why does it bother him so much that Nick might be someone else's? Nick doesn't even know that he exists! He sighed and looked up, noticing how close he was to the top.

He was already tired and he didn't want to go farther. He'll sleep through the hunger anyways. Shrugging, he zipped down, his realization taking a bigger part of energy than he wanted.

He can't like a human. This just can't happen. It's impossible. He's heard so many stories. So many deaths, so many warnings.

But you know he's not like that. He's so sweet and has so many cute qwerks.

Dan groaned when his feet touched the floor, upset that his feelings were taking over his common sense. He got his hook back and slowly made his way to the couch, wanting to see Nick again.


Nick came back into his apartment, wiping his tear stained face.

He took off his shoes and sadly undid his tie, recalling every minute of the "date".

His date, Michael, didn't show up. The hours came and went, but one thing stayed the same. Nick was alone at a table for two. He sighed to himself and turned off the radio, not in the mood for music. He sat down on the couch and let himself cry more, the tears falling quicker and quicker. Who was he kidding? No one would want to date him. He was too weird. Too nice. Too gay. Too himself.

He laid down, sniffling loudly. Hopefully sleep would chase his feelings away. He closed his eyes, hearing the slight traces of melodic humming. It was quiet, but slowly drifting him to sleep.
Dan sat under the couch, hearing the human's slow, sleepy breaths. Hopefully his humming helped.

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