🤞pt. 2

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also written by SeansObsessed  <3
he also has a oneshot book so go check it out!!


    The moment Leshaan heard those words, he broke down in tears. Tommy, his best friend, had saved his own skin by offering up his friend, one that helped him escape, no less! However, he couldn't think about it anymore, for he was shoved into Master's pocket quite roughly as he and Tommy fled Dr. Bezack's home, met with police cars. Tommy shivered, met with a tough decision.

I could tell the police, Tommy thought, But would I shrink again? I can't go back, I can't go back!

    However, with one glance toward the squirming pocket belonging to Master, Tommy knew that whatever the right thing was, it was hard to do. Lashaan didn't deserve this - nobody did. Except for Master, of course. But, Tommy couldn't just bolt. He had to wait until the police interviews, so that Master would never know it was him... until it was too late.

"You say one thing," Master warned under his breath, "You'll join my other pet up my ass."

Sounds enticing, Tommy joked inside his head, but remembered that his situation was serious, "Yes, Master."

"Good," Master grinned as they were taken into custody.

    Tommy knew that one slip-up could end up in his and Leshaan's demise, so he had to think this through. He wouldn't say a word until the police interrogated him alone. Then, Tommy would tell them everythi - but there was something wrong. The cliché "government will run experiments on him" scene might come true. No, Tommy had to really think this through! What could he do?

    At the interrogation room, Detective Sung, a gruff-looking man, asked Tommy a few questions about their "missing persons" case.

"Sure, it's Christmas Eve, but we need to ask you a few questions. Tommy, what were you doing alone with that man?" the detective squinted.

"He kidnapped me," Tommy answered, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Were there any other kids with you?"


"What? Are you absolutely sure?"


"Leshaan Murphy was a good friend of yours, correct?"


"We're just trying to find him. Are you sure you don't have any knowledge of where he is?"


    The detective sat, stroking his chin. Tommy looked calm, collected, and he looked too innocent to lie about this. But what if he had been threatened? They would have to keep looking for Leshaan, and keep a close eye on Tommy, too. However, Master, or Mr. Nadelman, was going to jail for kidnapping Tommy, and they would look in to see if Leshaan was kidnapped, as well.

"Did you say anything?" Master asked when Tommy was let out.

"No," Tommy replied.

"Then take him," Master whispered, slipping Leshaan to him like cash, "They're not letting me out yet. Bring him to the doctor's home. If I keep him in my pocket, they'll find him. Also, if you run away with him, you'll join hi-"

Then, as Detective Sung trotted in with handcuffs, Tommy let out a wide smile, "I don't think so, Master."

"Sir," the detective began, "you are under arrest..."


Two days later, Leshaan woke up in a dark, cold place. It was almost as freezing as the winter air outside, and it was all that he knew, all that he felt - except, that wasn't true. What he felt was... safe. The drawer opened, and Tommy held up Leshaan close to his face, eyes welling up with tears.

"I'm so sorry, dude! I-I panicked, a-and I left you f-fo-" Tommy began, but the fragile Leshaan cut him off.

"It's okay, Tommy. Yeah, my whole life's fuckin' ruined, but it's not 'cause of you!" he comforted, "Master did this to me, to us! But, trust me, if there's one place I would hide from giants, it'd definitely be with you, dude."

    Tears fell from Tommy's eyes, and, in an attempt to hug, lifted Leshaan's tiny body to the center of his chest, and the warmth was compelling. He hugged the giant, but was moved quite abruptly as Tommy yelled.

"Almost forgot!" said Tommy, and he brought Leshaan to the next room, revealing a glimmering Christmas tree and a trunkful of tiny presents and bigger ones - for both Leshaan and Tommy, "I postponed opening my gifts and got you some!"

    Leshaan was speechless, gazing at the variety and number of gifts left. Maybe, even if it wasn't officially Christmas, it sure felt like it in his heart. Besides, after the past few days, Leshaan could really use some happiness. And it came in the giant form holding him.

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