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"Guys!" Carter yelled from the other room, Jackson groaned and rolled over as did Thomas, his other roommate. "Come here!"

Thomas stumbled out of his bunk and Jackson followed in a sleepy daze. Carter was standing in the kitchen in his hands was Lillian, the human the three college students had bought as a pet.

"What do you want?" Thomas groaned, "It's too early to deal with your shit." Jackson went over to the counter and poured himself a cup of coffee, making one for Thomas too.

"Dude, Lillian is a boy." Carter exclaimed. Jackson sipped his coffee with furrowed brows.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Jackson muttered, he looked to the tiny girl who was sitting in Carter's callused hands. She looked terrified, Jackson looked back at Carter, Thomas looked intrigued.

"She has a dick," Carter explained with wide eyes, this only confused Jackson more. Why was this such a big deal? And more importantly how had Carter found that out?

"She's a tranny?" Thomas asked with a cocked brow, taking a step towards Lillian who shied back. Jackson's jaw twitched.

"She's transgender," Jackson corrected with a scowl, "Don't use that word."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Thomas brushed it off like it was no big deal, he picked up Lillian in a tight fist and brought her close to his face. Lillian looked utterly terrified, she whimpered and tried to push away from Thomas. "You know, once you look at him, he really does look like a guy."

Jackson saw Lillian's face drop as he misgendered her. She looked close to tears as the two boys continued to harass her, calling her vicious names and poking and prodding at her.

Finally Jackson couldn't take it, he slammed his hands down on his keys causing his roommates and Lillian to flinch. "I'm going out." He muttered, leaving Lillian and the boys alone.

That was his mistake.


Jackson spent the day sipping coffee in small cafes, he went to some new shops, walked around campus. Anything to avoid going home.

It was dark by the time he got home, his roommates were probably fast asleep. Jackson stepped inside, the door creaking softly. He cringed, afraid he'd wake Carter and Thomas.

He really didn't want to deal with them, as he slipped off his shoes and set his keys on the counter he heard soft sobs. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, they sounded soft, delicate. Jackson's eyes widened.


He was quiet as he went to her cage, he peered in and gasped slightly. Her hair was crudely cut, she noticed him and covered her mouth as choked, horrified sobs ripped from her throat.

"What did they do to you?" He murmured in disbelief, he opened the cage making her shriek slightly, stumbling away from Jackson. He quickly held a finger in front of his mouth and shushed her, looking over to his roommates' doors. "It's okay, I won't hurt you, I promise." He murmured.

Lillian whimpered as Jackson gently curled his fingers around her. He lifted her and held her to his chest. He went to the bathroom and flicked on the light. Lillian whimpered and blinked spots out of her vision.

Jackson clicked his teeth, her hair looked awful, long in some places, short in others, clearly done with scissors. Lillian caught a glance of herself in the mirror and let out a loud sob, running her hands through her hair that had taken so long to grow.

Jackson shushed her softly, his mother had been a hairdresser so he knew the basics of cutting hair. "We'll fix this." He promised softly.

After a lot of cutting and crying Jackson finished, it was short, a bob with bangs. Obviously it was far from perfect but it was much better than how it had been.

Jackson showed it to Lillian in the mirror, she wiped her eyes and adjusted it. She was heartbroken, Jackson could clearly see that. Her hair must've meant a lot to her, it had fooled the three college boys into believing she was born as a girl for a year.

Lillian broke into another fit of sobs and Jackson's eyes filled with pity. He carefully scooped her up, he cradled the girl to his chest and soft hummed to her, stroking her back as she let it all out. Eventually her sobs turned to soft whimpers, her hands latched to Jackson's shirt in a white knuckled grip.

Jackson stepped out of the room, instead of dumping Lillian in her cage like the human thought Jackson took her to his room. He laid down, holding her close to his chest as she cried.

Eventually they stopped, Jackson looked down to see Lillian fast asleep on his chest, he wiped away the remaining tears on her face and adjusted his grip so she wasn't at such an awkward position.

He pushed back her newly cut hair, he wondered how Carter had realized she was trans, how did he see her genitalia? His stomach curled, he knew the answer but he didn't want to believe it.

He cupped Lillian closer, he'd never let them touch her again, he'd be her guardian angel. "Sleep well," he murmured softly, pressing a kiss into her hair. And with that he flicked off the lights.


Okay originally I had a weird fucking idea for this and then I was like have we done gay?


Have we done straight?


Have we done transgender?

Nah fam squad.

So that's how this became now you know shit waddup.

Alright I'm gone bye.

Love ya


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