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By oh so lovely TheUndertaleGamer333


As I ran downtown, towards the old bridge, I felt empty inside. Like if all of the colors was gone away. I've felt like this for so long. Too long for anybody else to feel. It... was so painful, so awful. I hated it.

My footsteps made silent tapping noises as I neared the destination. Curling up the thin blanket around my form, I shivered in cold. This was it. This was what I have always wanted; to end everything.

My brown hair was messy and full of tangles, but I didn't care. Nobody would. The green glasses that I wore were cracked, and my mouth was set into a thin line. The white shirt that I had on was now colored lightly gray with the black sweatpants I had on. The shoes I was wearing were so broken but surprisingly didn't make a sound.

Finally, the bridge edge was in my sights. It was finally going to be over. I can get another start. Rustling slightly, I dropped my blanket over the edge and watched it slowly flutter down like a bird before being snatched out by something quick. Was it huge and... tan? I'm probably hallucinating...  I told myself. It's nothing.

I myself climbed onto the ledge and stood there for a moment, breathing my last puffs of air. This was the moment, but I couldn't go yet. I had to say something to the world, something to all of the witnesses (which were none on this cloudy day).

"Hey, world." My voice rang out across the plain, not echoing, but simply saying. "If you can see me, well... you know what probably will happen. I want another life." I took in a shaky breath, holding back tears. "This one has been awful to me. I've been abused by my dad for  having anxiety and saying sorry too much, my mom left when I was born, I get bullied at my school for being... well, my size."

This was true. Most people in the world are born as giants, but sometimes... mishaps occur. I am one of the few in the place where I live who is tiny. The giants were kind, don't get me wrong, but the bad people came to me. The bullies. My father. Everybody who needed to take their anger out on someone, it was me.

"Can't I just be normal? I'm... going to try to be." I sighed before letting one of my feet hang over. "I'll just... try this again..."

The wind rushed around me while I allowed my body to fall slowly down towards the gushing river below.

Everything was going to be fine. I am going to be okay. Everything will be...

Suddenly, there was soft padding all around my body. It didn't squeeze me, but it just held me for a second before I was swooped into darkness. What's... happening? I squirmed ferociously, but a nervous voice told me, "C-Calm down l-little one."

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, the first thing that I could see was calming blue eyes that I could seem to get lost into. The giant had soft brown hair, a light blue shirt with dark blue stripes, and brown pants that he had to sit cross-legged in the place under the bridge. His face showed fear and nervousness, a mirror of me.

"A-Are you o-okay?" he asked. The giant reached out with his other hand towards my back. I flinched and almost fell, so his hand shakily and quickly retreated.

Taking a deep breath, I started to speak. Since of the scared feeling I was experiencing, my voice was just as stuttery as his. "I-I'm... a-alive, to s-say the l-least, hehe..." I trailed off, looking towards the exit. The sun was just setting above the water, which looked absolutely magnificent.

We sat in awkward silence for a while before the giant said something again. "So, um, m-my n-name's Evan, E-Evan Hansen. What a-about you?" I jumped when his finger touched my back once more, but it was just slowly rubbing it, not hurting. I relaxed a bit more into it but still remained on guard.

"I-I'm... m-my name's R-" I started, but was interrupted by a loud CRACK! from outside. Without either of us noticing, it had begun to pour and thunder. I quietly whimpered due to my deathly fear of loud noises, and I guess Evan heard that.

"H-Here, I-I grabbed t-this." The hand that was rubbing my back reached down towards a small rag sitting on his knee and grabbed it. I eagerly reached out towards the rag, which was my blanket to me. The only thing it provided, still, was scratches all over my arm. I quickly yanked it away and set it down on his hand.

"I-I'm s-sorry, Evan, i-it's just... r-really u-u-uncomfortable..." I shied away once his hand came closer again, but it merely picked up the blanket and pat me on the head. What? He was... nice to me?

            "I-It's okay, I-I can j-just..." Evan gently pulled me closer towards him and put the hands I was in near his chest. The heat from it radiated as I finally felt... safe, and warm. I could hear his heartbeat beating that boomed gently and fast from above. I hesitantly decided to move closer as I snuggled in.
"T-Thank you... Evan. So much."
"N-No problem. W-What was your n-name again?"
"I-It's Reese. A pleasure to meet you."
"N-Nice name, Reese. Same here."

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