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Trevor ⬆️


Trevor shifted uncomfortably on the grass beneath him. It was early in the morning the sun hadn't even risen yet. The park opened at nine and he was just an animal to admire.

Other giants rested nearby, some fast asleep, some awake. Trevor rolled onto his back and stared at the starry sky above him. He managed to get a few hours of sleep before the workers woke them up, indicating that the park was opening.

Trevor stood and stretched, he looked over to the balcony to see Owen, his favorite worker standing there. A metal collar prevented him from talking so he smiled and walked over to him.

Trevor's head was level with Owen, who grinned. "Morning big guy!" He laughed. Owen reached out and placed his hand on Trevor's nose, knowing that he wouldn't attack like some of the other giants.

The worker tossed him a piece of food, Trevor easily caught it. Eventually the other giants realized Owen had food so Trevor walked off to the corner of the closed in area.

He watched as humans began to filter into the park, staring at Trevor. He smiled at a little girl who waved at him, Trevor repeated the gesture making her giggle and run to her mom.

The screeching laughter and snapping of cameras was getting to him, Trevor was about to lay down for a nap before everyone gasped and pointed. He looked to where they were pointing, four giants were surrounding something on the floor.

At first Trevor thought it was a bird but then he realized that Owen was no longer on the balcony. He got to his feet and sprinted to the commotion, Owen lay on the ground. He fearfully stared up at the four giants that surrounded him they snarled in hatred and one reached for him.

Before the giant could grab him Trevor threw himself protectively in front of Owen. He bared his teeth making the giants step back nervously, behind them humans had taken out their phones and started filming.

Trevor pushed back the last giant before turning to Owen who stared at him in utter shock. He didn't like the fear that resonated in Owen's eyes.

Trevor looked up at the sound of clicks and flinched as he saw men with guns pointed at them. He took a step back, arms raised. Behind him, humans gasped.

"Hold your fire!" Owen cried, the guards looked at him like he was insane and so did Travis. "Open the gates!" He yelled up to them.

"Are you out of your goddamn min-" One of the guards began to say.

"Do it! Trust me!" Owen interrupted. The guard looked uneasy but did it anyway. Owen looked back to Trevor and smiled gratefully, "Thank you," he said sincerely, before walking through the gates.

Trevor watched sadly as the doors shut, he turned around to see humans staring at him in silent disbelief.

It started softly, an applause. Trevor watched in confusion as it got louder, humans yelled out almost proudly.

Trevor blushed softly at the attention. After a few minutes the clapping stopped and humans continued on.

And once again Trevor was nothing but a mindless animal to them.


Based off Jurassic World, also Trevor is like 16 at this point.

This may be continued, we'll see.

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