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Silo was trembling, he was so cold. He desperately pressed himself against a wall in hopes of conserving energy. It obviously wasn't working.

Silo yelped loudly as the surface behind him moved, his scrambled back in surprise. He was met the a wall of denim. His eyes traveled up and up and up, he craned his neck only to meet eyes with a human.

Silo's breath hitched, they were so big. He weakly pushed himself back as the human kneeled down, "What?" The human whispered, "What are you?" He asked in disbelief, his eyes were fascinated.

Hesitantly the giant being reached forward and poked Silo in the stomach making him gasp and stumble back. The human immediately retracted his hand, "Wow," he murmured, his brown eyes wide. "Wait I've gotta record this!" He cried.

A rectangular box was suddenly in front of him, a bright light flashed at him. Silo yelped and covered his eyes. He was trembling, he hated it so much, he just wanted to be home. "See how small he is?!" Suddenly a hand was beside him, he gasped and stumbled away from it.

Silo wrapped his arms around himself and stepped back, his eyes downcast. A tear streamed down his face and he quickly wiped it away. He couldn't help but sniffle. The light went away.

"Are you... crying?" The human asked, "What's wrong?" The fascinated giant asked in concern.

"What's wrong?" Silo snapped suddenly, taking the human aback. "My pod left without me, probably for dead, I've been living on the streets and now I'm in your hands. What do you think is wrong, human?" He yelled. "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to-to, I-I-"

"Your pod?" He asked with a cocked brow, unfazed by the outburst. "A-Are you an alien?" Hesitantly Silo nodded, his eyes downcast. "Woahhhhhh, that's so cool!"

Silo looked up and his violet eyes met the human's green ones. "Wait but why are you so small? I've always pictured aliens as like giant 'lemme kill you', ya know?"

Silo stared at the human for a minute, he looked ridiculous. He giggled behind his hand and shook his head. The human cracked a soft smile and slid down so he was sitting.

"Y-You're so dirty," he murmured, looking closer at Silo, "You said you were living on the streets." He recalled, "I-Is that true?"

Hesitantly the tiny alien nodded, the human's face melted into concern and sadness. "Oh that's awful, you could live with me. I-I mean if you wanted to, I-I won't force you or like kidnap you or something. A-And I won't tell anyone ab-about you."

As the human continued to babble Silo thought about it. "I-I'll do it," he said quickly, interrupting the human's speech. "O-On one condition." He added, the strange human nodded quickly. "Delete the pictures of me, pl-please." Silo cursed the way his voice trembled.

The human stared at him for a moment before snapping out of it, "O-Oh yes, of course." He mumbled, digging out the same box, "I'm sorry about that, I uh, I really wasn't thinking. I just wanted proof that you really existed-" he continued to ramble as he deleted the video. "See? All gone!" He told Silo, showing him his phone.

Silo nodded slowly, looking at the light up box, was it magic? It turned black with a click and the human shoved it back into his pocket. "It's not a long walk, only a block or so but I'm gonna have to pick you up." He said, Silo took a deep breath and nodded.

Two hands appeared on either side of him, they gathered him into their warm embrace gently, the human's thumb ushering him in, and strapping over his waist like a seat belt. Silo placed his hands on the human's thumb and looked up at him. The human's breath hitched.

"Y-You're so cold," he murmured in concern. "We'll fix that when we get home. I'll give you a warm bath and- wait I haven't introduced myself. I'm Jayden Sidle, or Jay Sidle whatever you wanna call me." He shrugged, "What's your name? Do aliens have names."

Silo rolled his eyes, "Y-Yes we have names. I'm Silo remerz." The humans eyes widened and he nodded.

"How many of you are there? How haven't we found any before?" He gasped, "Am I the first?"

Silo giggled at his enthusiasm, leaning back in his palm. "A couple billion, probably. And I-I think you have. Many of us have gone missing or have been killed by humans." Silo fiddled with his hands as Jayden stayed quiet, taking in what he was hearing.

"That's.... that's terrible, I won't hurt you Silo, I promise." He whispered firmly, Silo looked up at the giant and nodded, leaning back into his hand.

The human continued to ramble about meaningless topics the whole way home, but Silo didn't mind it. He would occasionally drift off and think of his family and just nod every so often. Finally the human stopped at an apartment.

"MTV welcome to my crib," he snorted at his joke while Silo was left in utter confusion. He swung open the door. Immediately he walked to the bathroom, Silo looking around in awe at the massive furniture.

Silo was set on the counter as Jayden filled the sink partway. He tested the temperature and grinned. He set out a dish of soap and other necessities. "Okay, yell when you're done, Kay? I'll be right in!" He grinned and left the room.

Silo waited a moment before stripping down and dipping his toes into the water. He slid in and mumbled out of pleasure, it was warm, instantly warming his chilled body. He scrubbed off the dirt and muck, the water turned a slight brown. Silo winced and got out of the water that was turning cold.

He dried himself off and stepped back into his clothes. He trembled, colder than ever, "J-Jayden!" He called, voice shaky. He heard pounding footsteps and the bathroom door opened.

The human's eyes found him and he smiled, "Wow! Look at you, squeaky clean!" He grinned. He scooped up Silo, he managed not to squeak this time. The cold alien nuzzled into his warm skin, he pulled the humans fingers on top of him and smiled at the warmth.

Jayden watched in disbelief before grinning. He cupped Silo against his chest and sat on his couch. He flicked on the tv and let the little alien warm up. "Silo?" He murmured after awhile. He pulled his hands away and his eyes softened.

The alien was fast asleep in his hands, he looked so peaceful. Jayden stared at him for a bit longer before standing and going to his room. He laid down carefully, kicking the covers over his legs.

Jayden cradled him close as he laid, "I'll keep you safe," he murmured, slowly falling asleep. "My little alien."


What the fuck is this?

"Amelia you wrote this in an hour of off of a motherfucking asmr wtf are you doing you have four other drafts you've been working on foreverrrrrrr"

Yeah, I fuckin know. It's sad af but I wrote it and I like Jayden as a character. I'm really happy right now, like really happy. Ugh my heart.

And yes I do listen to asmr it's calming okay, and especially when it's gt.

Alright by lovelies, stay lit fam squad.

Love ya <3

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