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Nick sat beneath a bush clutching his baby girl to his chest. She was crying, loud, pain filled sobs. Nick rocked her and whispered soft murmurings to her, his precious little Coco.

She didn't deserve this life, she deserved a good life, a happy life, where she could be free. Not living under the thumb of fear. It was all because of the leavens.

They had came to earth years ago, forcing humans to hide and stay alive. They were captured, eaten, killed, dissected, kept as pets.

Nick had been lucky, he was a brand new father, ready to start his life with his wife but she kidnapped by a leaven, he hadn't seen her since. He was so hungry, it felt like his stomach was eating itself.

Coco had passed out, her breath came in and out slowly. Her cheeks were wet with tears, she was too skinny for a baby, ribs were clearly visible. Nick blinked back tears at the sight of his tiny child.

"Sir?" Nick jumped, his eyes flicked up. A levean was kneeled in front of them. A scream caught in Nick's throat, all the commotion made Coco jump awake. She loud out a cry and Nick looked up at the giant alien, he was wearing a face of pity.

"Shh, it's okay baby girl. It's gonna be okay," he lied to her as he rocked her back and forth in his arm, he looked up warily at the leaven. It was clearly male, he looked around Nick's age, 27 or so, he had aquamarine eyes and dark blonde hair. He had thick rimmed glasses covering his eyes and was dressed in an impressive looking suit.

"It's raining and cold, please may I take you home for he night? I swear you can leave whenever you want. Please, let me help."

Nick looked between the giant being back to his baby, she stared up at him with her mother's eyes. Either way it was suicide but the human might have heating, at least his baby girl would be warm before she died, "O-Okay." Nick agreed weakly.

The human nodded, his eyes flicked to happiness but he didn't let it reflect onto his face, "I'm going to have to pick you up." He warned.

Nick shut his eyes and nodded, he clutched Coco to his chest tighter and she looked at him with confusion in her big eyes. Huge fingers curled around his waist and back, a finger brushed the side of his face. He sucked in a sharp gasp but let himself get pulled into the air.

He was placed in the giant palm, and cupped close to the man's chest. He was like a heater, Nick couldn't help but gravitate towards the giant. He smiled lazily and could've fallen asleep if he hadn't snapped out of it and sat up abruptly. He scooted away from the chest, ignoring the blush in his cheeks.

Coco started to squirm in his grip, he held her for a moment before setting her down on the warm palm, she crawled curiously, Nick nervously watching her very move, she curiously traced the indents of the giant palm beneath her.

The leaven looked down in surprise before a smile crawled upon his lips, dimples sinking into his cheeks. "She's adorable, you know," he murmured to Nick.

He nodded, "Yeah, I-uh, I made her myself." Nick cringed at his bad joke, he really was becoming a dad.

Despite how terrible the joke was the leaven let out a snort and rolled his eyes jokingly, Nick found himself blushing. The Leaven walked for a bit before reaching what Nick assumed was his house. Compared to the neighboring houses it was huge, the leaven walked inside before shutting the door behind him.

Nick gaped, the inside was gigantic. Expensive looking art hung from the wall, a huge tv hung on the wall, and a large kitchen took up the other side of the room. The leaven chuckled at his face and placed him on the kitchen counter.

"May I get you anything?" He asked, "Wine? Food? Water?"

"You, um, you wouldn't happen to have baby food, would you?" Nick asked selflessly, the leaven frowned in pity.

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