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written by the-booknook


Mason sighed to himself as he looked at the gift he had gotten for his sister for a Christmas. It wasn't that it was a bad present, even though a two thousand piece puzzle was kind of a stupid thing to get a nineteen year old. And it wasn't even the fact that he had to wrap it. It was that he had to actually get the wrapping paper to do that, and it was kept in the tiny closet in the basement.

He walked down the stairs, trying to keep his breathing even with anticipation. When he said the closet was tiny, he meant it. the ceiling would only reach his mid-thigh if he could stand up, and it was only a few feet wide. He hated going even near the place with his claustrophobia.

He opened the door, cringing at the loud creak from the hinges. He averted his eyes and blindly fumbled around for the roll of wrapping paper. When his hand didn't find anything, he took a quick look to see that the rolls were leaning against the very back, just out of arm's reach.

Wishing that he had brought a flashlight, he carefully got on all fours and crawled into the closet. He gripped the wrapping paper, eager to get out of there, when his foot caught the door. It creaked shut, leaving Mason in the pitch black. He sucked in a breath and fumbled to push it open, but the door was stuck.

Mason's breathing began to quicken. He continued his fruitless efforts to force himself out, but it only served to make him more panicked. The last time he had been trapped like this, he fainted after just a few minutes, and he could tell this wouldn't be any different.

He didn't bother calling out, since he was home alone. He had left his phone with the gift upstairs, so that was out too. All that he could do was wait for his sister to get home from work to let him out.

Tears started to run down his cheeks, quickly turning into shuddering sobs. He didn't know when his intense fear of small spaces started, but it felt even worse this time. He wrapped his arms around himself, trying his best to keep his breathing steady so he didn't pass out.

He felt a small touch on his ankle and jerked, hitting his head on the ceiling. He looked
down, only able to make out a small silhouette in the dark. He screamed in fear of being trapped with this unknown creature, his vision darkening as he slumped over cold.


Hayden was done hiding in the corner as the human shuddered and sobbed. It was hurting his ears, and he was trying to get some sleep. He was pissed that the human had come to his home, which only happened a few times a year, especially since it was a borrowing night.

A few minutes passed, and if anything, the human's cries only got louder. His gasps of breath and sniffs began to make Hayden sympathetic, though. Why hadn't the human left if he was so afraid? He decided to investigate, traversing to the door of the closet, shuddering as he felt the human's huge curled up presence withheld behind him. From the light coming in from the crack at the bottom of the door, he could see that a patch of upturned carpet was blocking it from being pushed outward. He rolled his eyes, turning back to the human. Hayden felt the sudden urge to comfort the being, but he knew that was a stupid idea. But it was dark, and the human wouldn't be able to see him...

Careful not to be noticed, Hayden crept up to his socked foot, which led up to an impossibly enormous bent leg. The human's jeans rode up from his position, just enough that Hayden could touch his skin. He did so cautiously, wincing at the feeling of every individual hair and ridge.

He had hoped the touch would be reassuring, so Hayden didn't expect the ear-splitting scream that came from his light contact. He stumbled back, clutching ears as the human suddenly leaned back, his sobs immediately ceasing and his breathing beginning to even out.

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