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Luke watched from a distance, blue eyes squinting to get a better look at his prey. Completely oblivious.


Luke smirked to himself, moving closer and as quietly as a giant could towards the little human. He quietly whispered the jaws theme song to himself as he hid behind the table, sneaking up on the small human, who looked up from whatever he was doing, confused.

"Who's singing the fucking jaws theme song?"

Luke quickly slammed his hands down on the table, caging his tiny boyfriend in his hands. "Gotcha!"

Ashton squeaked shrilly, heart thumping wildly in his chest as he played dead when Luke opened his palms.

"Oh no! He's dying, I must perform CPR!" Ashton flailed wildly as Luke's giant lips pressed against his own and blew.

"Luke! You're blowing too hard!" He coughed, making his giant boyfriend grin down at him. Ashton scowled deeply. "Don't smile, you devil child."

"I'm not a devil child, you are!"

"Your name is literally Lucifer!" Luke huffed, glaring down at the smirking boy, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Whatever," his eyes found their way on the piece of paper Ash was drawing on. With careful fingers, he pinched the small drawing and squinted. "Luke!" Ashton whined, climbing up his sleeve. "'M not done!"

"Stop squinting, I know you can see it!" At this point, Ashton gave up scaling Luke's sweatshirt and just huffed, pouting and tugging on his sleeve.

"What the hell is it?" Ashton grinned excitedly like a little kid.

"It's a dinosaur!"

"That's not a dinosaur! It has blonde hair!"

"It's a luek dinosaur. They're very big and like terrorizing little Ashton's that do no harm to them." Luke raised an eyebrow as he lowered the picture down for both of them to see. "See! There's me, being terrorized by you!" Ashton beamed, pointing to the corner of the page.

"So, like this?" Luke asked as he scooped Ashton up at started to press kisses on Ashton's body, lifting up his shirt to blow blueberries on his tummy. Ashton squealed loudly in delight. "L-Luke! Haha! S-Stop!"

Squirming and kicking in Luke tender hold, Ashton accidently kicked his boyfriend in the face. To Luke, it felt like nothing more than a flutter, but he faked an injury, collapsing onto the couch. "He's so strong!"

"Lucifer, get the hell up." Ashton scurried up towards Luke's face, which was not attractive, his tongue was peeking out of his mouth and so was drool. He kicked Luke's nose, and it scrunched up, but his eyes remained closed. Ashton sighed, prying one of his boyfriend's blue eye open.

Suddenly, they both opened and Luke smiled. "Hello, gorgeous." Ashton squeaked in alarm, tripping on Luke's lip ring and falling towards his chest.

Luckily, Luke caught him before he fell. Propping himself up, he made himself comfortable as Ashton settled down begrudgingly on Luke's warm palm. "Your hand is so sweaty," he grimaced, wiping his hands on his pants. Luke chuckled, his fingers carefully pinching his boyfriend's fragile waist and lifting up and in front of his face. Ashton smiled, though, kissing Luke's nose. "I like it, though."

"Snuggle me?" Luke pouted, looking at his dangling boyfriend with big blue eyes. Ashton agreed energetically, instantly snuggling into his boyfriend's broad chest, inhaling in his manly scent of strawberries and whipped cream.

His hazel eyes fluttered shut in bliss as Luke's thumb benevolently rubbed his back with his thumb as he started to drift off.Luke pouted, lifting his boyfriend up and gently shaking him. "Hey~," he whispered, nudging his side. Ashton whined, batting away his finger. Smirking, Luke leaned in and licked his face. "Luke!" Ashton snapped, tiredly rubbing his eyes and trying to wipe away the saliva. "That's disgusting, you germy little shit."


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