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It was Conan's tenth birthday, the boy grinned widely as his classmates ran all over the yard. Suddenly an arm was wrapped around his shoulder and a camera was in his face.

"Smile!" He mother called, snapping a shot just in time for Conan's blinding grin. After they opened presents everyone was called over for cake.

They sang happy birthday as Conan blushed and grinned, finally he blew out his candles and everyone clapped. Just as his father was about to cut the cake a small bug flew right into the thick buttercream.

His classmates groaned and some cringed but Conan just looked in confusion and curiosity.

It was a pixie.

The small fairies were like pests or bugs, they were everywhere and humans were less than fond of them. His mother curled her lip back in disgust as she watched the pixie squirm helplessly in the frosting.

"No, mama wait!" Conan jumped in before his mother could kill the pest. Conan carefully lifted the boy out of the frosting, and held him close.

"Darling, be careful don't get icing on your shirt!" His mother fretted. "Please just give me the bug, Conan." She told him, holding out a hand.

Conan shook his head and held the pixie closer, his mother persisted for a few more moments before sighing and shaking her head. "You're too kind for you own good, Conan."

The boy just grinned brightly, his mother couldn't help but to smile back. She shook her head again and began to cut the cake.

Gently Conan took the trembling pixie away from his chest. His big hazel eyes curiously watching the frosting-covered pixie.

Conan couldn't really see much of the boy's features due to the frosting. Gently he used the sleeve of his sweater to wipe away the frosting, ignoring the glare his mother gave him as he got frosting all over the shirt.

The pixie sputtered and stumbled back. He smiled softly down at the fairy, the dimples in his cheeks deepened. The little being looked to be around 15 with brown eyes the shape of almonds, freckles were messily splattered across his face, he had strong features, and fear written all over them.

The pixie squeaked in surprise as a plate of cake and ice cream was placed in front of him. "Thanks, mama!" Conan grinned at her.

Conan placed the pixie on the table, knowing that he couldn't fly. His wings were coated in a thick layer of icing. The young boy took a bite of his cake, eyes still watching the pixie.

"What's your name, lil pixie?" He giggled, eyes twinkling with interest. The fairy took a hesitant step back.

His brown eyes searched Conan's face, he swallowed. "J-Jayden," he stammered. Conan's face lit up.

"I like that, I'm gonna call you Jay, can I call you Jay?" He asked, grinning ear to ear. The pixie hesitantly nodded, the tips of his pointed ears were red with a blush.

"Do you like cake, Jay?" He asked the pixie, turning his plate to the small boy in case he'd like some. The fairy quickly shook his head and stepped back, "Your loss!" He laughed, taking another bite.

He watched as Jay tried to pick the icing off his wings. The young boy's eyes softened in pity, "Lemme help you with that." He picked up the fairy, pudgy fingers wrapped around his waist.

Conan took a napkin and dipped it in his cup of water. He delicately wiped away the dried frosting, pinning down the fairy down as he squirmed nervously.

Gently Conan shushed him, he finished and pulled away letting the pixie stumble away from him. "There all better!" He smiled widely.

Jay ran his hands over his freshly cleaned wings and then back at the grinning ten year old in shock, "Th-Thank you, Conan."

He nodded enthusiastically, "You're welcome, Jay!"

The fairy smiled softly and took flight, he flew up to Conan and gave him a peck on the nose making the giant go red. "Goodbye, Conan." He whispered before flying off.

Conan watched him leave with an awed expression before he broke into a smile. "Goodbye, little fairy."


A few things about this story, so I wrote this at roughly 2am between convincing a friend not to commit suicide.

He's fine now, it's okay. Um Conan is fuckin adorable and I love the bean.

Happy vore day, I mean this has nothing to do with vore but hey let's celebrate anyway.

I'm pretty proud of myself for writing so much. <3

Alright well anyway, have a nice day/night.

Bye lovelies <3

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