🎛 pt. 2

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dilwithit20 wrote this part too, yessssss


Nick woke up on the couch, drowsy and feeling almost hungover. He sighed and stared up at the ceiling, remembering last night. It was his first date, so he wasn't sure why his expectations were so high.

Getting up, he walked over to the kitchen area. His apartment was small, with the only side room being his bedroom. The rest was just a large room with the essentials of a house, but in one room.

His cousin mocked it, saying that this was the way lonely, single people lived, and he needed someone. Of course, he ignored his cousin, calling his apartment "cozy" and how not everyone was daddy's little princess.

He got microwaveable waffles out of the freezer and ate it slowly, feeling like a zombie. Maybe sleeping on the couch wasn't the best idea when you're 6'4 and barely fit on the couch to begin with.

He leaned against the counter, not really wanting to do anything. He grabbed another waffle and made his way to his room, wanting a closed off place to cry.
Dan opened his hatch only when the far off noises of crying came from Nick's room. Dan looked around, missing the upbeat music coming from the radio.

Usually, he hated the noise, but today needed music. With Nick not in the main room, Dan could do almost anything; though he didn't feel like it. Nick's depression was rubbing on him, slowly draining his energy.

Dan walked out from under the couch, once again swinging his hook in thought. He needed to get Nick out of his room and away from last night's memories. Although he doesn't know what happened, he can only presume it was really bad.

He looked around for a solution, but only came across something that only proved his hypothesis. Nick's favorite bow tie lay forgotten on the floor, undid in a hurry.

The last time Nick wore the original, a supposed uncle tore it off his neck and kicked him out of a family reunion. Dan remembered him coming home without his  signature bow, with tears running down his face. Usually, Nick was proud of himself.

He's heard all the things passed from mother to son, homophobic cousin to Nick, friend to friend, and endless phone conversations. But he knew that things like this tore down his spirt.

Dan was on the verge of tears just thinking about this second bow tie, and what it represents to Nick, lying alone on the floor, forgotten.

With a new surge of energy, he sprinted to the table holding the radio, desperate to make Nick feel better.

He quickly reached the table, not feeling tired in the slightest. He threw his hook up, hitting his mark perfectly.

He tugged on the string and began to climb, working his muscles until fire burned his lungs and arms. He doesn't usually climb this fast, but damnit, it was worth it for Nick.

He stood on the table triumphantly, making his way to the large radio. Of course, he's never worked one of these before, but that never stopped him. He pushed and prodded a few different buttons, and soon there was a song playing.

Not only did he know this song, but he could sing it. Perhaps someone was looking down on him, or maybe it was just luck. Dan cleared his throat and stood up straight, getting ready for the performance of a lifetime.


Nick was crying, once again. His Uncle was right. He'll never find anyone. He's going to hell just for being himself. His thoughts screeched to a halt when the song "All of Me" was playing on his radio.

At first, he was confused, but he noticed something else. A lovely voice was singing along, matching word for word, pitch for pitch. Whoever was singing was beautiful, fluent in their words, projecting feelings through song.

All of me loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you

The words were said with so much passion, the person sounded like they were almost crying.

Oddly, every fiber of his being wanted to see this person.  His common sense was out the window, the thought not even occurring to him that someone might have broken into his house. They could be a murder with a beautiful voice, slowly luring him out, but he didn't care.

He walked out of his room, his gaze instantly locking on a tiny man standing in front of his radio. He stopped singing and returned his gaze, and unreadable expression on his face.

Nick walked closer, curious about this person. In his flurry to get there faster, he slid on his socks, tripping and falling on the wooden floor, hitting his head hard. His vision was getting blurrier as the tiny man called his name worriedly.


SHIT. Dan practically flew down his string and landed right next to a knocked out Nick's head. His nervousness was replaced with pure worry as he looked over Nick's face.

His glasses were cracked, and landed on the floor a few feet away. His face was still flushed from crying, and his hair hung over his closed eyes. Dear god was he gorgeous.

Sure, he stupidly fell over. He fell over his own feet! And somehow he knocked himself out? Dan didn't imagine them meeting to be smooth, but he sure as hell didn't expect this!

He stopped pacing and sighed, sitting down next to the giant's face, waiting for him to come back to earth.


Nick groaned and opened his blurry eyes, his head hurting more than this morning. Did he fall again? Tripping in his house was not abnormal, hell, it was destined to happen if he was wearing socks. His thoughts stopped when a small voice said his name right in front of his face.

"You good Nick? That was a pretty hard fall."

Nick tried focusing his eyes, but to no avail. His glasses must've left him during the fall.

"Uh yeah, thanks. Do you know where my glasses are?"

The tiny dude stood up, a blur of brown, black, and greys moving to his left. He heard grunts and the small noise of his glasses being dragged across his wooden floor.

"Here ya go, doofus"

His glasses rammed into his face, the small guy pushing them. Nick slowly reached for them, putting them on and putting his head back on the floor. The dude in front of him smiled and waved awkwardly as Nick scanned over him with his eyes.

He had brown skin and was wearing a light grey shirt and darker pants. His tiny face was red from embarrassment, only hi-lighting his lightly freckled cheeks. His hair didn't really have a style, seemingly just an untamed animal on his head. Damn was he cute.

"H-Hi. I'm Nick."
"I know, I'm Dan."

The two were blushing now, avoiding each other's eyes. Nick sat up, feeling his headache even more. Dan flinched, seemingly scared, but quickly cast it aside for crossing his arms confidently.

Nick couldn't stop staring, he was just too perfect.

"Do you like what you see?
The smug comment was playful, and Dan's grin spread more.

"No, but I like what I heard."
Dan's grin dropped, and his blush got worse.

Nick was already in love.

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