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straight chapter uwu

Chris was housesitting for his mother's friend. The house was nice, really nice.

And there was only one thing to do with a house that empty, and that nice. Chris threw a party that Friday night.

He even invited Marla. He sipped a beer casually as he wandered among his friends. Julius called him over to play beer pong.

"So what's goin on with Marla?" Julius asked, landing another cup.

Chris swallowed it quickly. "God I don't know man. She keeps like, flirting with other people and telling me about it. Like who does that, man?"

He took a shot, missing all of Julius's cups. He cussed under his breath. His friend rolled his eyes. "Hoes do that. She's not worth your time, you're just gonna get hurt." He said with a frown.

He threw the ball into Chris's last cup. The other boy sighed, shrugging before he chugged the drink.

Julius went off to talk with their friends. Chris sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He saw Marla. She was hanging at the edge of the lights, swaying to the music.

Chris almost drooled. She was fucking hot.

He made us way over. "Hey, Mar," He purred, sipping his beer. "You look good."

Marla smirked and gave Christ a once over. "Thanks," she said with a smirk.

"So what do you say? You wanna dance or something? Not to brag but my moves are pretty hot." He said, shimmying a little bit.

She snorted and shook her head. "Thanks but uh," She peered behind him as a guy made his way over. Marla waved to him. "I didn't come alone." She said with a smile.

"Oh," Chris said, eyes wide. "Well, uh, have fun." He said; cheeks flush with embarrassment.

He cussed himself as he walked away, Julius was right. He should've listened.

He sulked off to the room where he had been staying. He walked in, he froze. A couple had already found it apparently.

Chris winced and shut the door, guess he'd be finding a new room. He sighed and went to one of the guest rooms. It was empty. Thank god. He flipped on the light and flopped back on the bed.

He sipped on his beer and closed his eyes. He heard a soft sneeze and cocked a brow. Christ sat up. "Uh? Hello?" He looked around. He got nothing.

He frowned, maybe he was hearing something or it was from another room. He shook his head and rubbed his forehead. Another sneeze, a string of them. They were definitely from his room. He hopped down from his bed. He frowned in confusion and kneeled beside his dresser.

Chris peered under, blinking to adjust his eyes to the darkness. "Woah..." He murmured. He reached under and curled his fingers around the figure.

He pulled it out, cupping it in his palms. His eyes sparkled in awe. "You're a tiny right?" He said in surprise. "I've never seen one before. Holy crap you're small!"

The tiny flinched back. It was a girl. She had long, curly, black hair that fell below her waist. She was cute, full pink cheeks, a little button nose, and gorgeous emerald eyes. But she was scared.

Chris gasped as she tried to throw herself out of his hands. Easily he caught her. "Careful, careful, we don't wanna hurt you." He said softly. He smiled gently.

"S-Stop! Please! Put me down!" She cried suddenly. Tears began to leak down her face.

Chris froze. "O-Oh shit, sorry, I'm sorry." He climbed onto the bed and gently set her down. "There, is that better? Jeez I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." He said sheepishly, he scratched the back of his neck. God, he was having bad luck with girls today.

The girl sniffled, frantically scrubbing her face. She was shivering. Chris grabbed a tissue and offered it to her with a sympathetic look. She looked into his eyes before taking it hesitantly. "Th-Thanks..." She whispered.

Chris nodded, smiling very softly. "Um, why are you here? If, you uh, don't mind me asking." He said softly, resting his head on the bed.

The tiny chewed her lip for a moment. "M-My owner brought me here..." She whispered.

"Oh, who's your owner? We should get you back before they get worried." He said, nodding.

"No!" She said immediately. "S-Sorry, I just, I cant go back to them. Um, please sir."

Chris frowned. As he looked at her she realized she'd probably been abused; no wonder she didn't want to be held. He frowned. "Oh, okay. Well, you could stay with me? For awhile if you'd like?" He offered softly.

She looked up in shock. "R-Really?"

Chris smiled and nodded, "So what's your name?" He asked softly. "I'm Chris."

She chewed her lip shyly. "Ch-Chelsea." She said softly.

Chris grinned. "Cute." He said. "Well, you're free to stay with me as long as you need, Chelsea." He said with a smile.

He carefully reached over. Hesitating as she flinched. Gently he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

She was really beautiful.

He found his cheeks flushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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