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Sahalia was just gathering food, the motel room was empty and almost no one rents a room after 9:00pm. She was quickly running out of food and it was summer so almost all of the rooms were rented out. Which meant there was almost no time to go borrowing.

Sahalia wanted to get in and out as quickly as possible, she had made it to the center of the table and was grabbing some crumbs that the last family had left behind. Sahalia didn't have to get too much considering she lived alone.

She grabbed her grappling hook and hooked it on the wood of the table, she was about to start climbing down when the hook slipped and clattered to the floor.

"Shit." Sahalia cursed. She looked around the gigantic kitchen, she would have to walk over the counter and climb down the cupboards. She sighed and started to walk to the counter, she pulled herself up with a grunt, she started to walk over to the cupboards, but froze when the silence was broken with a click.

Sahalia looked over at the door, it was opening. She covered her mouth to block a scream as a human walked into her motel room. Sahalia looked at her surroundings for a place to hide, but there was no where but the sink and Sahalia knew there was no way to get out of the sink if she went in.

Sahalia raced to the cupboards knowing that was the only escape, but the human saw her movement in the corner of his eye. Sahalia heard his gasp and tears filled her eyes, she started to climb as soon as she got to the cupboards. She was climbing as fast as possible but it wasn't fast enough. The humans shadow fell over Sahalia, she gasped and clutched the wood she was hanging off of.

Sahalia heard fabric rustle and looked at the massive human, she involuntarily shuddered and buried her face in her arms which were still holding onto the wood. The human had kneeled to get a better look at her, his hazel eyes were filled with curiosity. "Oh my god." He breathed. His warm breath washed over Sahalia, she wished she could keep moving but she felt frozen, like none of her limbs were working.

"H-Hey are you alright?" He asked, Sahalia didn't reply, obviously. She just shook as the giant's eyes skimmed over her small form. Her fingers started to feel numb, they were clammy from fear, and she could feel them slipping off of the wood. Her last finger slipped and she shrieked as she plummeted to the floor, and possibly her death. But instead of hitting the floor Zoe landed on a warm, spongey surface.

She didn't understand, where was she? She opened her eyes, and choked on a gasp, she was on the humans hand. His hand. She shook as she turned around, Sahalia was greeted with huge hazel eyes. She cried out and stumbled backwards only to run into his fingers. She shrieked and let her tears run free, she stumbled to the middle of his palm.

"I-I'm sorry I couldn't let you fall." The man murmured to her.

"I-I," Sahalia stuttered. "Why are you being so nice to me?!" She cried.

"I'm-I'm sorry?" He asked, clearly confused.

"Stop playing with me! Jus-just do it." She murmured letting more tears stream down her cheeks.

"I'm not going to do anything, I swear."

Sahalia looked up at him once again, he had kind features, and his hazel eyes looked nice, and filled with guilt.

"I," Sahalia's voice failed so she swallowed and started again, "I trust you."

His hazel eyes lit up. "Thank you, I, ah I'm guessing this is yours?" He asked, setting my grappling hook next to me.

"Y-Yeah, thanks." Sahalia said quietly.

"No problem. Uh, my name's Lucas by the way." The giant- aka Lucas said.

"N-Nice to meet you, I'm Sahalia." She said, "Um, c-can you put me down now."

"Oh! Of course, sorry." Lucas said, she slowly stood up, Sahalia squeaked and clutched lucas' thumb. He walked over to table and let Sahalia slid down onto the table.

"Thanks." Sahalia said quietly.

Lucas nodded there was a pregnant pause before Lucas spoke, "If you don't mind me asking, uh. What are you?"

"You promise you won't tell anyone?" Sahaila asked, Lucas nodded and she continued, "I'm a borrower, we live under the floor boards."

"Oh, uh are you hungry?" Lucas asked, "I'm guessing that's why your up here."

"I, uh. I guess." Sahalia really didn't want to ask for food, she didn't want to come off desperate.

Lucas put out his hand, palm up. When Sahalia didn't climb onto his hand, he beckoned her with a single finger, "Come on." He coaxed, she still didn't move she just stood there. Lucas' heart sank, "Don't you trust me?" He asked.

"I do, I just..."

"No, I get it, it's okay." He assured, Sahalia knew that he felt bad, and she felt guilty.

She swallowed her fear and stepped closer to his hand, she stepped into his palm, he turned to his fingers and hugged his first and second fingers, in a makeshift hug, "I'm sorry, I do trust you." She said, "And um, thanks for not killing me and whatever."

Lucas sucked in a gasp as he realized that she was hugging him carefully he brought his hand up and pressed her gently against his chest. "Thank you." He murmured.

Sahalia gasped as she was pressed against the flannel of Lucas' shirt. She chuckled and clutched the fabric of his shirt, "You're welcome."

Lucas chuckled and pulled his hand away from his chest, "So um, are you still hungry?"

"Sure, if your up to it."

"Of course." Lucas said.

After ordering and eating pizza together, Sahalia built up enough courage to ask Lucas if she could leave the motel with him. He agreed and it was the start of a great friendship. And maybe even something more.


Look at this shitty story from last year, another hug a tiny story. Lmao it sucks but I'm postin it!

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