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Soft, meticulous strums of a guitar flowed beautifully with the low, rich vocals of the boy. The words he sang were passionate, sometimes they were dark and brooding while others were soft and teasing.

Aspen came every single day just to hear he boy play, he longed to meet the human he had admired for so long. But Aspen knew better, if the human told anyone he could be sold to a zoo or shot down.

Aspen shuddered at the thought, the dark skinned man looped another stem through his flower crown. It was beautiful, flowers of all sorts were looped strategically together. He'd been making crowns since he was a child, Aspen smiled softly as the human began to strum.

He peeked at the human, his thick dark brows were furrowed in concentration as he plucked his instrument. His arms were bare, exposing his many tattoos, a cigarette dangled from his lips. Occasionally he'd take a breath and blow out the smoke.

Aspen sighed and shut his eyes, he craved the beauty's name. He wished for nothing more in the world. He thread another flower and bit his lip in concentration. Absentmindedly he pushed back a long strand of hair that had fallen into his eyes.

The giant pulled his long hair up into a messy bun, leaving a few strands framing his face. Aspen turned his focus to his flower crown, full lips pressed in concentration.

The human hummed along as he strummed, he began to sing a song that Aspen didn't recognize. He smiled and leaned back, beneath him a stick cracked.

Aspen stiffened, he bit his lip nervously as the human stopped playing. "Who's there?" The human snarled.

Aspen flinched, huddling down near the base of the tree. He held his flower crown close to his chest. He heard fallen leaves crunch as the human stood, Aspen shut his eyes.

He held his breath as he trembled slightly. "What the hell?" The human gasped. Aspen's eyes snapped open and he instantly meet the human's beautiful hazel eyes and stiffened.

The human instinctively stepped back, his eyes flashed confusion and worry. He held his guitar close to his chest, the human suddenly turned and began to run. Aspen gasped.

Without thinking he reached forward and clasped his hands over the top of the human he had admired for years. Shivers ran over the giant's body as the human slammed into his tightly intwined fingers.

Aspen was gentle as he gathered the human in his hands, making sure he had every limb of the small being before bringing him to eye level.

Slowly Aspen unclasped his hands, the human stared up at him. There was shock on his face, along with discomfort and... fear. Guilt built in Aspen's stomach.

He felt like a monster.

Aspen set the human on the ground avoiding his shocked gaze. "Pl-Please just go," his voice thick with tears. The human stepped back at the sound of the giant's voice, that only made Aspen feel worse.

The giant couldn't help it, a crippling sob ripped out of his throat. He was so pathetic, he could feel the human's confused eyes boring into him. Suddenly a tiny hand was placed on Aspen's thigh, the giant stiffened.

Though his tears blurred his vision he could still clearly see that the human had placed a comforting hand on his leg. Aspen sniffled and wiped his eyes.

As the giant continued to cry the human rubbed his thigh and softly he began to hum. It started out quiet, to the point where Aspen could barely hear his soft voice. But as time passed his volume increased.

Aspen watched the human sing, the human he'd admired for so many years was now singing to him, for him.

The giant watched him, the way his posture changed with each note. How his eyelids would flutter to hit an extra high note. He'd grin whenever he would hit a note just right. They were little things but they struck Aspen melt.

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